Cool thanks Lancests. I did today's tuesday workout and it was finished in only 30 minutes.
I did rest pause sets (15 deep breaths about a minute rest)
Bench 135 lbs: 7,7,6
Recline Pullups: 12,11 (single leg on ground)
Standing bicep curls :55 lbs (5,5)
One arm dumbbell rows: 3x10 w/ 45 lbs (No rest pause sets)
Dips: 2 rest pause sets (these hurt my pecs and shoulders bad-and i was only going to parallel and not leaning forward)
Shoulder work: band pull aparts to chest and overhead shrug at 50 lbs
1) Adarq said I should add in those one arm dumbbell rows to make it a 1:2 push pull ratio. Should I? I did basically no rest betw sets.
First of all, do at least 3 RP sets of the MAIN LIFTS, you have 2 sets of recline rows and the reps being 12 and 11 are too high, you need to load them. that wouldve been a better workout with bench as is, a loaded recline row, something like 8, 6, 5, doing the band pull aparts, and then a set or two of bicep curls are fine. If you did bench already rest paused, dont do dips, same movement pattern and youre just cutting into recovery time.
Youve got some extra junk volume on there that you dont need imo but if you feel better doing more work in the same movement pattern have at it, just make sure you can still progress the lifts that matter (your push/pull main lifts of the day) the next time you do them. Rest pause is a game of beating the numbers, thats the magic in it, it makes it very easy to improve either the total reps done, or the weight lifted because youre not doing a bunch of other busy work/ assistance/not needed to improve work.
You can load the recline rows with plates on your chest very easily, elevate your feet, etc., they are easy to progress if you look around youtube there are tons of videos showing different ways to do this.
If youre worried about your shoulder the lats are internal rotators too, so do something like a face pull or dumbell external rotation for a couple of sets, but dont add a bunch of junk volume, focus on progressing your main lifts. If you add weight to the main push/pull exercise everytime you do the workout, youre already going to improve, get stronger, and grow, doing a bunch of other exercises is just going to cut into your recovery and make it harder to progress the lifts that do you the most good the next time you train.
2) Im thinking of removing the dips cause I dont want to injure my shoulders. They have caused pain before too when I did them with a coach...they just seem to hurt even when I do them correctly.
I didnt put dips on the list earlier, you have a horizontal push in bench press, so if you want more tricep work just do some tricep extensions or something that doesnt tax the shoulder joint. You dont need to do either, drop the dips, focusing on the bench and the recline row would likely do you more good in the long run.
3) Could I do sitting rows instead of recline pullups? Reason im thinking of switching is sitting rows are horizontal pulls and I can judge how much weight to use better
see above.
4) Is a 30 minute workout too short? lol it went so quickly and I had a crazy good pump in my upper body.
nope, 30 minutes of focused work is great for you right now, its not about how long you stay in the gym, its about the quality and intensity of the things you do while youre in there.
Thanks again.
np man, pc.