WEIGHT: 171.5
ACHES/INJURIES: outside lower right leg
was on my way to the track and it started lightning and thundering. and then it started to rain. so i went to the gym instead.
- warm up
- depth jump @12" x 3,3,3,3,3
got a couple of 'em on video, will combine with some other stuff from the workout later and post. knees coming way too far forward on most sets, i think.
- SL pogo x 5,5,5
- air squat motor learning x some
- sprint form drills x a few
- standing ab wheel roll outs x 3,3
same problem as with GHRs, really interestingly. i lose tension in my abs and butt and overextend my lumbar spine. the roll outs highlight because of the load.
- walk home
- extensive stretching and SMR for t-spine, ITB, adductors, and feet
i have indulged on sweets more than i should but have only gained a pound in the eight days since i started my tracker. i am getting enough protein and veggies but still, i need to limit myself more on the processed sugar front.