MENTAL STATE: sleepy, had to take some extra time to warm up
- warm up
fuck this fucking jump rope. i need a new one. took forever to break a sweat, the gym was kind of cool. also, here's some evidence of conditioning being easy-come, easy-go, but mostly easy-go: my hands, forearms and posterior shoulders were tired after less than 60 seconds of jumping rope. oof.
- SVJ x 8
finally measured, the vent is 24" higher than my reach. that's good to know. jumps today were mostly ~25, but two were ~26, which is higher than i've been getting.
- squat 275 x 5,5,5
first set hard, second and third easy
- RDL 225 x 10
too much back involvement
- hip thrust 225 x 10
as above. wicked back pump. wack.
- calf raise 275 x 20
- paused bench 135 x 8
- DB row 80 x 8
- TRX strap fall out x 10
- stretch
time to get my squat big. yes. i have to go to afghanistan in two weeks, for a week or so, which kind of sucks. might actually be a lot of travel the first 4 or 5 months of this year. but anyway than that i'm going to start texas method for squats, with RDLs and hip thrusts as accessory. moderate-intensity, moderate-voume days will be 5x5. low-intensity, low-volume days will be 2x5 at 80% of 5RM. high-intensity, low-volume days will be MSEM 2x3. warm ups will continue to include half tucks, line hops, and so on. SVJ before squatting, every workout. push ups and pull ups for upper body. also, indoor ultimate starts january 15, so when i'm in the country i'll be running around for an hour on most tuesdays and thursdays. that'll suck for two weeks but then i'll get used to it and it'll be beneficial in the long run. i'll do the texas method low intensity, low volume day on wednesday.
eating will continue to be more or less ad lib, but i'll keep monitoring my weight once or twice a week. seems my metabolism is slowing down. i'm up to 12% bf or so, can only really see abs in certain light. that's fine as long as strength and explosiveness continue to improve, just need to pay attention.