WEIGHT: 179.5
SORENESS: hamstrings, glutes pretty bad
MENTAL STATE: good mood, happy, CNS not too amped up, though.
- warm up
- SVJ x 6
- depth jump @18" x 4,4,4
pretty bad, i think, although i wasn't near a mirror so no frame of reference other than feeling
- KB swing 28kg x 10,10,10
focus on explosive transition and glutes firing all the way through full hip extension
- calf raise 135 x 20,20,20
did these with a barbell before noticing that there is a leg press machine. problem solved. adequate calf strength, here i come.
- dip x 10,10
- low cable row 130 x 10,10/e
- decline sit ups, touch knee with opposite elbow x 20,20,20
- beach work
- stretch
soreness dissipated by the end of the workout. it's still there but not as bad. hindered SVJ and depth jumps. i'm a bit apprehensive to see what happens with the old bball court (see above post). if i could even get on there an hour a week, that'd be awesome. we'll see.