BW = 174.5
FATIGUE = moderate
- warm up
included a couple of rounds of knockout. nothing gets me quite as hyped for jumping as that.
- DLRVJ x 8-10
best 33.5, a few 32.5-33, rest 31-32. the 33.5 was the highest jump i've had since may. every other jump felt good.
- squat 310 x 5,5,3
rep PR, obviously. last rep on second set was grindy but not terrible. might have had one more on the third set but it would have been ugly. also, i was a little worried about depth but had one of my oly lifting friends watch the second set and she confirmed that i'm going way below parallel. no problems.
- pull up +10 x 10+3+2
damn it
- dip +50 x 10+3+3
- SS1: hyperextension x 10
- SS1: GHR situp x 10
- SS1 info: 3 rounds, no rest between exercises, one minute between rounds.
- calf raise 135 x 16
arthritis makes it hard to keep balance when plantar flexed. still, this was harder than it should have been.
- curlzzzzzz 20 x 10e
- tricep cable pull down 100 x 10
- stretch
good workout. pleased. 174.5 is the most i've weighed this year, i'm pretty sure. that's surprising because i was away last weekend at a wedding and was puking up my guts all saturday morning. i have a weird reaction to alcohol sometimes; i wasn't especially drunk on friday but as soon as we got back to the hotel i threw up and then i was terribly hung over the next morning. every once in a while that just seems to happen but other times i'm totally fine. i can't figure out what makes the difference there. anyway, guess the milkshakes have helped. also, i found a gym very near the beach that has a squat rack, so i will get in a workout or two next week while on vacation.
also, my pants felt a little tight today and my vanity is kicking in and telling me my belly fat is spilling over more. this is absurd, as i'm not more than ~11% bf and i can still see my abs and veins in my lower abs. i'm not going to let that stop me from chowing down over the next two days, just noting it.
three plates on thursday. come on now.