1. Like I mentioned, depth jumps felt quick and coordinated, where they usually feel slow and plodding. Depth drops absolutely killed my upper legs, as tucks were a freaking joke. However, pogos felt okay, not great but okay, so perhaps some kind of ankle stiffness is finally creeping in down there. Or not.
2a. I've got some mobility issues in my shoulders that's making it harder for me to snatch/OHS properly. For years I've had a shoulder click (anterior delt) when OHPing or doing dislocates. My coach gave me a couple of great stretches to do for that and told me to foam roll my scaps (posterior delts) and it actually helped within the workout to do that. Trigger points are crazy. No wonder acupuncture works for some people.
2b. I say this every month or so, but I really do need to redouble my efforts to get extra mobility work in for hips, ankles, t-spine and shoulders. I posted a new thread in the brittlebros thread with Eric Cressey's shoulder saver series from T-Nation. Will be doing DeFranco's agile 8 + external rotation exercises for hips, ankle and calf stretching, and some combo of exercises from that series, at least four days per week.
2c. On that note, I'm also gonna get back into the habit of standing up and walking around regularly. Sitting at a desk all day absolutely blows, and if I'm not careful I can end up sitting for 2 hours at a stretch. That's bad.
4. I'm going to switch squats to 4x5. Enough of 8 reps, hip is adapted, no pain, time to get strong.
5. Given how grindy OHPs have gotten, I'm going to slow down on increases there. Stick with 135 until it's a bit easier, then add 5 lbs. If that takes 3-4 workouts, then okay. backcycle to 120 and build back up again.