Author Topic: a fast and explosive donkey!  (Read 1983303 times)

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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #165 on: March 04, 2010, 09:43:17 pm »
Also, more depth jumps instead of squats.
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- Avishek

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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #166 on: March 04, 2010, 10:25:48 pm »
i edited your post by accident but it's fixed! heh

This post is going to be a little long.

At this point I think I really need to get into a jumping-dominant focus because my explosiveness and movement efficiency suck ass. My strength could be better, too, but I've been working on it as a primary focus for the past, what, six months. Some okay gains in that time. I'm going to retest everything this weekend and then start the next phase. Basically looking at 4-6 weeks. Will still do max strength work once a week just to maintain (and maybe gain, who knows?).

well with the routine you posted, i don't think you really have a 'strength maintenance' portion in it.. instead, you're basically reducing fatigue & pushing those singles, so I'd assume you will experience some strength gains in those singles. you're coming off months of strength work and then doing MSEM stuff for two weeks, so that's more like a transition into 'peaking' than a maintenance stage.

most people are surprised how strong they get doing MSEM, the weight just starts flying up.

expect some gains.

Here's what I'm thinking for the next month, starting next week based on the power block from the MSEM article. Your thoughts are appreciated if you can make it through the whole thing:

Week 1
Monday upper body
warm up
SLRVJs x6-8
footwork (e.g. agility ladder)
bench 5x165, 5x175, ?x185
weighted pullups 4x3
SS1 clapping pushups 3x10
SS2 fast rope climb x3


Wednesday lower body
warm up
SS1 KB swing 3xheavy
SS2 max-effort DLRVJ x4-6
LLLRRR bounds x5x20y
jump squats 3x3x95, max effort each rep
squat 5x245, 5x265, ?x275
DL 5x310

love the KB swing + ME DLRVJ complex.. i've always had good success with swing + jump complex.

the only thing I would be "wary" of in that session is the combined squat + DL.


total rest

Saturday lower body
warm up
max effort DLRVJ xdropoff
sprints xdropoffx40y
lots of rest (walk to gym)
squat 3x255, 3x275, ?x285
walking lunge 3x10x110

one of the best ways to monitor dropoff on those two exercises, would be to rotate them... ie, after a good warmup on both:

DLRVJ's x 3

that way you aren't training _in dropoff_ during your sprints, and then experience a further dropoff... if you get what I mean.. say you dropoff 3% on dlrvj's, then goto sprint and dropoff another 3%.. well then you're probably dropped off 6%.

with a rotation, you'll be sure you're dropping off at 3%.

that rotation is doable because 40 yard sprints aren't really going to wreck your CNS like a 100 would... so 4-5 minutes rest following the 40, would give you about 3-4 rotations, ie, 9-12 jumps, and 3-4 40's.. which is pretty optimal, especially since the sprints would be done fresh.

warm up
low-intensity cardio (REALLY low, like a long walk or something)

Week 2
same as W1 except
bench 3x175, 3x185, ?x195


same as W1 except
squat 3x265, 3x275, ?x295


total rest

same as W1 except
squat 5x255, 3x285, ?x315

same as W1

Week 3
same as W1 except
bench 3x5x165
bw pullups 3x3


same as W1 except
squat jumps 1x3x95
squat MSEM 2x3

Warm up
Steady-state cardio x30-40 mins

total rest

same as W1 except
cut jumping/sprinting volume in half
squat MSEM 2x3

same as W1

Week 4
test bench and weighted pull ups


same as W1 except
squat MSEM 2x3

warm up
footwork, maybe some low-intensity hops and stuff

total rest

Test RVJ, SVJ, squat, DL

I think it looks pretty good... the 2 weeks of MSEM at the end prior to re-testing should work very well with how that routine is going..

even though the singles are heavy in MSEM, push them with speed, maximal acceleration.. i don't really give a guideline on the eccentric phase, as people have different preference there, but if I did it would be moderate tempo down and right before transition just blast the hell up :)

peace man


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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #167 on: March 04, 2010, 11:46:48 pm »
Thanks for the feedback. Any thoughts on adding in depth jumps, maybe replacing a squat day with moderate-intensity depth jumps? Or am I just overthinking it.
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- Avishek

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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #168 on: March 04, 2010, 11:58:02 pm »
Thanks for the feedback. Any thoughts on adding in depth jumps, maybe replacing a squat day with moderate-intensity depth jumps? Or am I just overthinking it.

i think trying to fit them in at this point is going to make it all cluttered.. instead, you mentioned this routine might go on for "4-6 weeks", well i'd introduce low box dj's (~18") in at week 4, and intensify them through week 6.. combining MSEM + dj's, svj/rvj/sprints could be done prior (in low volume) or during other sessions.. for example:

week 4: DJ's, 2x/week: 2x5 + MSEM
week 5: DJ's, 2x/week: 3x5 + MSEM
week 6: DJ's, 2x/week: 4x5 + MSEM
week 7: test


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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #169 on: March 08, 2010, 01:03:53 pm »
In Baltimore over the weekend but I managed to squeeze in a run and a light workout in anticipation of the new routine, starting today. About that, I forgot that I have a one-day ultimate tournament this coming Saturday, which will obviously prevent me from working out that day as well as compromise me for the following couple of days (should be a good 4.5-6 hours of ultimate).


run @moderate pace x20mins (in VFF)

I was in a huge rush and didn't have time to stretch or anything. Bad planning. Also this was my first extended run in a while in my VFF's, and I haven't been in barefoot-style shoes in over a month, so my calves and soleus muscles have been crying the past couple of days. Going down stairs is a bitch. Should have been smarter about this. Barefoot running is tops, but I thought I could jump right back into it after a layoff and I was clearly wrong about that.


warm up
bike @easy pace x10mins

bench 3x5x170
pullups 4x4xbw+25

nice walk back from the gym to my girlfriend's apartment, then

7DVJS (except the hip flexor raises and glute bridge... girlfriends can be distracting...)

cool down

Like I said, my calves are hurtin' from the run on Saturday and discipline on Sunday was bad. But that's okay, I can't beat myself up as bad about that as about what happened at work this morning: I had edited this research paper and it was really a godawful mess, so I made all kinds of comments (in Word) to myself like "WTF?" and "this makes my head want to explode." Then I took them all out and just left in the constructive comments. Or so I thought, because I got the response back from the person who wrote it and apparently I left in "this makes my head want to explode." Oh and that comment was selected to apply to like three entire paragraphs. In my defense, they were, and still are, totally incoherent.

Still, how fucking embarrassing is that for everyone involved. Oof.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #170 on: March 08, 2010, 06:24:36 pm »

Like I said, my calves are hurtin' from the run on Saturday and discipline on Sunday was bad. But that's okay, I can't beat myself up as bad about that as about what happened at work this morning: I had edited this research paper and it was really a godawful mess, so I made all kinds of comments (in Word) to myself like "WTF?" and "this makes my head want to explode." Then I took them all out and just left in the constructive comments. Or so I thought, because I got the response back from the person who wrote it and apparently I left in "this makes my head want to explode." Oh and that comment was selected to apply to like three entire paragraphs. In my defense, they were, and still are, totally incoherent.

Still, how fucking embarrassing is that for everyone involved. Oof.

wow, that's like a bad dream... that completely sucks.


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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #171 on: March 08, 2010, 10:11:01 pm »
UPDATE: Forgot that I did an extra rep (TF) on the last set of pull ups.

Well, mishaps of the day aside, I had a ballin' workout today. Everything felt good except my lower legs (still), but even with that the SLRVJs (well, three-step approach, not really running) were decent, maybe 121-122" touch although it's hard to tell. For me, that would be awesome. My elbows hurt, though, lot of load to bear throughout. On the plus side, I really focused on warm up and stretching and that makes a big difference. I need to start doing that more consistently.

Warm up
jog @ easy pace x7 mins
bike @ easy pace x5 mins
glute march x20
glute bridge x15x3s hold at the top

SL 3-step VJs x8
bench 5x165, 5x175, 7x185
pull ups 3x3, 1x4 xbw+25+chain (however much it weighs, maybe 5#?)
SS x3
  • clapping push ups x10
  • rope climb (just arms)
core x3 (10# MB)
  • MB OH throws x10
  • hyper x5
  • Russian twist x20

Cool down
« Last Edit: March 09, 2010, 09:34:00 am by LBSS »
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #172 on: March 09, 2010, 11:24:14 pm »
Workout today:

Warm up
not really

frisbee game x2x60mins

Cool down

Gassed. Played inconsistent but made some sick plays, skied a lot of fools. Even if my vertical still sucks, I feel more confident and so I've been playing more aggressive, which is really good. And a dude I had been matched up against in the second game came up to me after and paid me a nice complement, basically called me a great player (which I'm not, but still, was nice) and said I was way better than him, then gave a little bit of constructive criticism. And my team won both our games. First in a walk (by like 30 points) and the second by 6 but it got real chippy in there for a while. The dudes-who-suck-but-think-they're-good got all huffy. Oh well, fun times.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #173 on: March 10, 2010, 10:20:38 pm »
Knees protesting after the ultimate last night. Sore all day. Still, halfway decent workout even though I forgot to add the extra five pounds to the DL. Oops.

Warm up
bike x5mins
usual, working a little bit on double-unders
glute march and bridging

SS x2
  • KB swing x3,5x32kilos
  • DLRVJ x3,4 -- these weren't so great, not any higher than the SL from the other day but I'm pretty sure I can chalk that up to the ultimate games
jump squat 3x3x95 -- tried to go deeper on these before exploding up
squat 5x245, 5x265, 6x275 -- hard, not below parallel on some reps I am sure
DL 5x305 -- felt decent

Cool down

Gym was closing so I skipped core. Also, my knees are feeling it. I might take tomorrow off ultimate and just bike or row or some combo of the two and stretch/roll a bunch. The tournament this weekend is purely for fun, I don't really care how I play, but taking the next two days a little easy still seems smart from an injury standpoint, given my knees and ankle.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #174 on: March 11, 2010, 03:35:04 pm »
Knees felt janky in the morning but no pain or soreness now, so that's good. Plus the DOMS is finally gone from my calves/soleus. Still undecided whether I'll play ultimate or hit the gym tonight. Leaning gym so I can get some LISS cardio and make up for the core work I skipped yesterday. And foam roll.

Also I scheduled a massage for next week  ;D. Place seems super legit: Gonna ask about my toe, trigger-point and ART in particular. And my lack of foot flexibility. Here's to having kick-ass health insurance that will pay for that shit without even a prescription from a doctor. I might not make bank working for a nonprofit, but I sure do have good benefits.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #175 on: March 11, 2010, 08:25:00 pm »
Knees felt janky in the morning but no pain or soreness now, so that's good. Plus the DOMS is finally gone from my calves/soleus. Still undecided whether I'll play ultimate or hit the gym tonight. Leaning gym so I can get some LISS cardio and make up for the core work I skipped yesterday. And foam roll.

Also I scheduled a massage for next week  ;D. Place seems super legit: Gonna ask about my toe, trigger-point and ART in particular. And my lack of foot flexibility. Here's to having kick-ass health insurance that will pay for that shit without even a prescription from a doctor. I might not make bank working for a nonprofit, but I sure do have good benefits.

nice.. how often could you get massage/corrective tissue work? would be sick if you could get it 1-2x/week.


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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #176 on: March 11, 2010, 10:23:11 pm »
I don't know, I guess I'll find out next week. Today, instead of working out, I got drunk with coworkers. Good night everybody.
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- Avishek

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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #177 on: March 11, 2010, 11:03:57 pm »
Today, instead of working out, I got drunk with coworkers. Good night everybody.


just funny as hell how you phrased it.


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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #178 on: March 12, 2010, 09:22:58 pm »
Given that I had no workout yesterday, I figured I'd go get one in tonight.

Warm up

jog @ easy pace x5mins
row @easy-to-moderate pace x10 mins
jog @easy pace x18mins
core circuit x3
  • MB OH slam x10x14# ball
  • hyper x5
  • Pallof press x20x60# (10 ea side)

Cool down

Also, I figured out what's wrong with my toes. I mean, I have a name for it now. Hallux limitus. Basically my big toes have been super stiff ever since at least high school. Not sure why but it sucks, I can't do lunges or anything without shoes on and even then I have to land on the point of the shoe. I'm sure it changes my gait and how much push I can get off my toes at the end of a stride or jump. The left one hurts sometimes when I walk. And apparently it can get worse and become arthritis and even require surgery eventually. Definitely gonna bring that up with the massage therapist next week. And maybe start thinking about a podiatrist visit.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #179 on: March 12, 2010, 09:39:30 pm »
Given that I had no workout yesterday, I figured I'd go get one in tonight.

Warm up

jog @ easy pace x5mins
row @easy-to-moderate pace x10 mins
jog @easy pace x18mins
core circuit x3
  • MB OH slam x10x14# ball
  • hyper x5
  • Pallof press x20x60# (10 ea side)

Cool down

Also, I figured out what's wrong with my toes. I mean, I have a name for it now. Hallux limitus. Basically my big toes have been super stiff ever since at least high school. Not sure why but it sucks, I can't do lunges or anything without shoes on and even then I have to land on the point of the shoe. I'm sure it changes my gait and how much push I can get off my toes at the end of a stride or jump. The left one hurts sometimes when I walk. And apparently it can get worse and become arthritis and even require surgery eventually. Definitely gonna bring that up with the massage therapist next week. And maybe start thinking about a podiatrist visit.

"Hallux limitus describes a condition where the hallux (great toe) is limited in its' range of motion. This limited range of motion results in jamming of the 1st metatarsal phalangeal joint (1st mpj or great toe joint). Over time, repetitive jamming will contribute to arthritis of the great toe joint. The most characteristic sign of hallux limitus is a bump (exostosis) on top of the head of the 1st metatarsal. In fact, many doctors also refer to hallux limitus as a dorsal bunion.

Hallux_limtus_x-rayHallux limitus is caused by four contributing factors. These factors include the following;

1. A long 1st metatarsal.
2. An elevated 1st metatarsal (metatarsus primus elevatus).hallux_limitus_x-ray_post-op
3. An impaction injury of the 1st mpj resulting in an osteochondral defect (OCD) of the joint.
4. Systemic diseases that cause injury to the joint such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus or gout."

damn that sucks..

i need to see the podiatrist also, the bottom of my foot is jacked up.