Something I thought about right after the last DL workout: Rippetoe and Kilgore say that you shouldn't really do more than one heavy set of 5 DLs at a time to protect your lower back. My lower back is telling me that I should agree with that, plus it feels weird to only be squatting once a week and squatting seems more important, anyway. Add to that the fact that indoor ultimate is starting up on Thursday and will involve 1-2 hours of ultimate twice a week through mid-March, and I'm thinking about cutting DLs back a bit. Main lifts would still be on 5/3/1. Maybe something like this (unilateral lower leg would be SLRDLs, step-ups, or BSS):
workout A:
squat + assistance (weighted jumps before squats, upper body pull, unilateral lower leg)
workout B:
bench + depth jumps
workout C:
squat (trying to get more on final set than workout A) + assistance (weighted jumps before squats, heavy DL x1 set of 5, upper body pull)
workout D:
OHP + assistance (paused box jumps, reactive jumps [e.g. single-leg bounds], sprints once it starts getting nice)
seem workable? Also, for jump squats, which way is right? Slow eccentric and then explode up, or just jumps with a weight on your back (quick descent into quarter squat, explode up)?