Yeah I need to find something I can reach to, it definitely seems to help. I figured out after a couple of weeks of box jumps that my natural tendency after I land is to look down, which is not conducive to jumping high. So for the time being my big improvement is just to remind myself to look up. Anyway, speaking of depth jumps, they fucking sucked today for some reason. See first part of log title. Workout:
Warm up
Shoot around, bricks everywhere, ball was too bouncy
The usual
Depth jump 3x5
Squat 3x5x230
OHP 3x5x115
bunch of random sets of 5-6 pullups/chinups
Cool down
Also I was fidgety as shit, barely could keep still between sets, just kind of wandered around, did some bridging, jumped onto and off of stuff, etc. Lots of energy for some reason. And now I'm tired as fuck and going to bed at 12:30 on Friday. Frisbee game tomorrow for the first time in weeks.