ur runup looks like it would benefit from a little more speed dude...
and wat fucking gym is that? theres a big ass tyre for flippin there? on the courts? wont it mess up the place quick?
That's my gym, dude. Balance Gym, in good old Kalorama, Washington, DC. People flip the tires all the time, lot of "functional" training around. We have basically no lifting machines except a cable tower, but three squat racks, an olympic lifting platform, benches, jump ropes, med balls of various types and sizes, DBs up to 125 or something like that, etc. It gets cramped at times cause of the classes (especially Crossfit), but otherwise it's a great gym. I gotta admit, flipping tires is super fun. Don't think it really messes up the floors, although the court
is getting a bit old and there are some dead spots. Not from the tires, though.
You're totally right about my run-up. It's kind of "mushy" at the moment, as adarq said the other day.
that shake looks like it would taste weird, i mean, so many different fruits...
i dun like the blender, gives shakes a frothy and bubbly texture... :/
Tastes so good, you have no idea. If you don't like the blender, how do you make shakes?