- warm up x 1 km
- interval 400m in [88,90,88,88,87,85,90] w/200m jogging rest
super windy, enough to blow the upwind leg into the downwind leg while running across and to really feel the pressure running into it. still managed to get everything under 90 (numbers above are rounded). the 85 on the penultimate lap is a good sign, although it was mostly with or at least across the wind rather than into it.
- cool down x 1.39 km
- stretch
might lower the target pace the next time i do intervals, reduce the reps to six, then build back up to eight.
i leave for the states, for good, in just over two weeks. so on the other hand all the pacing is gonna have to be revised because of the heat and humidity. well, one thing at a time.