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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4455 on: March 13, 2018, 12:56:14 am »
turns out the hill is 280m. not sure how i got 350m before, maybe i was measuring past the point where it levels off.

- run 2.5 km

- hill runs 280m x 4, slow jog down recovery
can't call these sprints, really, but they were hard. pace peaked a little below 3:00/km in each. didn't have a clear sense going in of how many i wanted to do so cut it off once i was really gasping by the end. i liked this, though. will do hills once a week, adding volume and trying to run harder gradually over time. there's a longer hill on the front side of the neighborhood, but for the time being i'm gonna go with this one.

- run 1.7 km
total distance 6.31 km, total time 31:59

- stretch

also, this gives me so much goddamn respect for elite runners. the girl who just broke the US high school record in the 5k ran my hill pace for 5k. it was on an indoor track, sure, but still. the elitest of the elite marathoners run that pace FOR 42 KILOMETERS.

« Last Edit: March 13, 2018, 12:59:20 am by LBSS »
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4456 on: March 13, 2018, 08:07:40 pm »
turns out the hill is 280m. not sure how i got 350m before, maybe i was measuring past the point where it levels off.

- run 2.5 km

- hill runs 280m x 4, slow jog down recovery
can't call these sprints, really, but they were hard. pace peaked a little below 3:00/km in each. didn't have a clear sense going in of how many i wanted to do so cut it off once i was really gasping by the end. i liked this, though. will do hills once a week, adding volume and trying to run harder gradually over time. there's a longer hill on the front side of the neighborhood, but for the time being i'm gonna go with this one.

- run 1.7 km
total distance 6.31 km, total time 31:59

- stretch

also, this gives me so much goddamn respect for elite runners. the girl who just broke the US high school record in the 5k ran my hill pace for 5k. it was on an indoor track, sure, but still. the elitest of the elite marathoners run that pace FOR 42 KILOMETERS.


^^ yea it's just insane..

the elitest of elite marathoners run 42.2 km @ ~2:56 per km btw, my 1km PR (**all out**).. jajajaja.

but ya, 3:00 per km and below for the marathon elites, for 42.2 km. just unreal.


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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4457 on: March 14, 2018, 04:19:18 am »
i peaked at 2:54 per garmin, which is unreliable as we know but even taking it at face value it's just bananas that i was gasping after 1/150th of the distance they cover at that pace.

thunderstorm this morning but my gf dragged me out of bed to run in the rain. thanks to her for that.

- run 7.4 km in 37:04
glutes not sore but tired. took a while to warm up, then ran okay for 5 km or so, then died over the last 2 km, especially last 1 km. overall pace evened out to 5:00, which sucks.

- stretch
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4458 on: March 14, 2018, 11:35:36 pm »
- run 6.34 km in 30:48
either hills are harder than i think or my fitness is backsliding. hoping it's the former and that once i learn to pace myself on them better it'll just help my fitness that i now (1) live higher up than i used to and (2) live in a hillier spot than i used to. once again died in the last 1 km.

- stretch

EDIT: i went back and looked and my old standard route had ~26m of elevation gain while today was ~38m. that's not a big absolute difference but the one today had ~2.3 km of descent followed by ~2.3 km of solid climbing in the back half. old route was 2 km of climb to start out, level, then 2 km of descent. would be good to find a route where i'm climbing to start and then descending to return. but also just to suck it up and get better at climbing when i'm tired.

in fairness to myself, 4:51 is not a horrible pace for a relaxed run, and it includes a couple of stops for traffic because this route crosses several major roads. but still i died after 5+ km. not great.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2018, 01:27:51 am by LBSS »
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4459 on: March 15, 2018, 07:43:29 am »
I still think you're running too fast on your easy runs. You're probably running nearer your, like, half-marathon-marathon pace, and I get the impression that doing that for all your runs can definitely wear you out. I'm not an expert here at all, though.
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4460 on: March 15, 2018, 08:56:26 am »
I still think you're running too fast on your easy runs. You're probably running nearer your, like, half-marathon-marathon pace, and I get the impression that doing that for all your runs can definitely wear you out. I'm not an expert here at all, though.

you might be right. but just last week i ran 8.9 km at 4:41 and felt great -- it was an easy, relaxed run. today i died after 5 km at 4:51 average. then again splits were 4:41, 4:35, 4:34, 4:59, 5:01, 5:23, and then the last fraction even slower. you can tell what was downhill and what was uphill. perhaps what i need to do is just be even more patient with myself climbing steep hills. or stick to flatter routes.

also might just be continued recovery from the hill workout two days ago.

in any case, you're right that i should be careful to keep the easy runs easy and focus on mileage rather than speed, and then "run with power" (as adarq's training partner said) on the hard days.
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4461 on: March 15, 2018, 08:34:44 pm »
also to what Joe said, I doubt fitness is back sliding, though performance may be .. but that would simply be related to fatigue & adapting to more frequent runs & overall higher intensity etc. that "accumulated fatigue" effect works for running too -> you can run yourself into the ground a bit then rebound out hard by cutting intensity/volume and/or resting more etc.. so in that case, fitness is improving in the face of that decreased performance, just takes some tapering/sharpening/deloading sometimes to express it.

I wouldn't worry about it too much, adapting can be taxing.

and to what you said at the end: I love hardly looking at my watch when i'm running easy. Looking at the watch will almost always make you run faster.. for easy runs, it's great to just look at the duration and/or mileage and just relax. "harder" easy runs may need the watch, but true easy runs, can just go coast and relax.

and ya, hard on hard days! can only do that ~2-3x/wk, leaning more towards 2x .. even 1x is necessary occasionally when you just get run down.

finally, every day is different. I can run great on tuesday of this week, and crap on tuesday of next week. ride teh fluctuation waves!



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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4462 on: March 16, 2018, 12:31:57 am »
^^^for sure re: looking at watch. one of the reasons i like wearing long-sleeved shirts while running is that they cover the watch so i can't look without moving my cuff back. on my easy runs i try to just let myself run at a pace that feels very sustainable and only see how fast that was when i get home. but it might be worth backing off a little bit even from that and going longer.

no run today, tomorrow plan is to do >10km relaxed.
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4463 on: March 18, 2018, 09:54:20 am »
- run 11.17 km in 1:03:50
first 5.3 with gf, so very slow (~6:15-6:20 pace), then peeled off and kept going at ~5:10 pace. distance PR, i think. definitely duration PR, first time running for longer than one hour.

- stretch

meant to run yesterday but had evening plans and lots of work to do, ended up working until it was too late.
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4464 on: March 18, 2018, 08:46:36 pm »
- run 11.17 km in 1:03:50
first 5.3 with gf, so very slow (~6:15-6:20 pace), then peeled off and kept going at ~5:10 pace. distance PR, i think. definitely duration PR, first time running for longer than one hour.

- stretch

meant to run yesterday but had evening plans and lots of work to do, ended up working until it was too late.

duration PR's are def good! nice work!


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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4465 on: March 19, 2018, 02:23:24 am »
now all i want to do is miles and miles and more miles. didn't run this morning because gf correctly told me that i should give myself a little longer to recover than 14 hours after distance/duration PR. will not run tonight but tomorrow morning gonna get up early and do at 9+ km. 8 km needs to be the new minimum, including days with hill/speed work. got fired up by adarq's 5k PR and now i really want the damn 19:xx. mileage is the key and i'm not getting enough.
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4466 on: March 19, 2018, 10:56:29 am »
now all i want to do is miles and miles and more miles. didn't run this morning because gf correctly told me that i should give myself a little longer to recover than 14 hours after distance/duration PR.

your gf is smart, but eventually you'll be able to handle easy runs after something like that, without any added risk.

will not run tonight but tomorrow morning gonna get up early and do at 9+ km. 8 km needs to be the new minimum, including days with hill/speed work. got fired up by adarq's 5k PR and now i really want the damn 19:xx. mileage is the key and i'm not getting enough.

hah nice! :highfive: :ibrunning:

getting "fired up" is important too. just seems like lately you've been transitioning into more aggressive training, which is good. you took your time, were patient, and now you're getting the itch to push it more. sounds perfect.

and ya, increasing the mileage can definitely help. Low mileage routines can be extremely effective, but the intensity is much higher from what i've learned/experienced. So, someone can make some great progress on only 30 miles a week, but the intensity would need to be higher relatively to the total mileage than someone who is getting in 50-60 miles a week with lots of easy running. That easy running is "safer" and still builds the aerobic system & overall fitness/work capacity. sooo.. the time tested variation is to def get that mileage up a bit.

sub20 5k club is going to fill up soon!!!!

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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4467 on: March 19, 2018, 11:39:03 pm »
- run 9.2 km in 45:20
pretty hilly and overall downhill then up: 44m of elevation gain. but i took it really easy on the steep hills and otherwise tried to just run relaxed. ended up at 4:55 pace, which is better than the other day for a longer run. i'll take it.

- stretch
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4468 on: March 20, 2018, 10:46:33 pm »
- warm up run x 1.5 km

- hill sprints ~280m x 5, jog down recovery

- cool down 3.7 km
total distance 8.01 km*, total time 43:05. hills were hard but not as hard as last time. two friends came, which made it more fun, easier to push.

- stretch

*actually 8.4 km, but garmin decided to restart itself just as i hit the button to start running. nice. also its altimeter is hilarious, apparently the first hill sprint was actually a descent.
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4469 on: March 21, 2018, 03:06:37 am »
going to the mountains this weekend (the close-by ones, not the big ones). will do at least one hike with the group, and if i can convince anyone to go with me i'll also run. the place is safe but less so than here and i don't know it well, so bad looks to head out alone. the two main peaks near where we're staying are both around 3000m. i hiked up one last fall so will agitate for the other.

related: i'm sitting at my desk at work and all i want to do is go out and run some more. good feeling. tomorrow morning long and easy.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2018, 03:09:30 am by LBSS »
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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