^^^not sure i agree with that. butterface by definition means the rest of the girl is hot. the word itself is just a mashup of "but her face" as in "everything's hot but her face." for me that generally means more petite. to each his own. but man i fucked the sunday girl again on thursday night (she issued the best booty call i've ever gotten: a picture of fresh-baked chocolate cupcakes and an invitation to come lick the bowl) and it was, again, very good. mind expansion.
- daily routine
SORENESS: glutes, lats
MENTAL STATE: okay, a little distracted by thoughts of ex
- warm up
- skater jump x 20
- one-step RVJ x 5,5
focus on relaxation. height good not great, ~32-33
- DLRVJ x 10
crappy. hit 35+ a few times but also had a couple busted approaches. then the gay dodgeball players came and started setting up.
- bound-bound-jump x 3,3,3
right knee started bugging a little on the last set
- low depth jump x 3,3,3
focus on minimal GCT
- DB jump squat 25s x 8,8
- stretch