yeah man plus the restaurant i ate at last night actually uses spices, unlike most of the places in this country. seriously people eat here for sustenance and that's it, there's next to no culture of eating or cooking for pleasure. salt, oil, carbs, a little protein, plain vegetables, dried fruit. and traditional places can't butcher for shit, it's wack. anyway the lamb yesterday was tasty.
ACHES/INJURIES: right knee not painful but feeling a little wonky
- run x 2km
in the middle did 30/60 intervals at 16kph on/9.5kph off. forget how many, maybe 4. i think fartleks are the way to go in terms of conditioning when i get home, if continuous full-court layups are not an option. those are always the first option.
- stretch
- warm up
- circuit x 3
-- reverse hyper x 12
-- BSS x 10/leg
-- cable row x 10
- circuit x 3
-- cable chest press x 10
-- shrug x 12
- calf raise x 10/leg
- stretch
another work dinner tonight and then i leave at 4 AM for the airport. 5 hours to ataturk, 10 hours to dulles. layover is 4.5 hours, which isn't awful.
breakfast: veggie omelet no cheese, glass of fresh-squeezed OJ, two cups coffee, small bowl of granola with dried fruit and strawberry yogurt
lunch: three small mulberry bars, cup of tea
dinner: potato pancakes with tongue, chicken kiev with mashed potatoes, a beer