nothing for more than a week. am kind of sick of running, the transition back to summer heat + humidity sucks so much. i think i'm due for a period of just training as the mood strikes. not that i was training particularly hard or consistently before, or progressing, but that's part of the problem: when i've got a goal and am not being consistent about going for it, i end up in a negative motivation feedback loop. so it's not a physical break i need but a mental one. also i've just been more motivated to play guitar than anything else recently, and that's joyful and great. training for a sub-19 5k will return, i predict.
my apartment building has a little gym in it so i figured i'd check it out today. went on a date the other night with a woman i'll see again, made me want to do some beach work, lol.
- jump rope x ~5 mins
ceiling very low. also the rope i have is quite short, complicates crossovers. also i'm quite out of practice, obviously.
- GMB full body warm up
- superset x 2
-- 45 degree hyper x 12
-- DB row 50 x 8/arm
- superset x 2
-- pallof press 30 x 10; 25 x 10
-- DB bench 40s x 10
-- BSS x 10
- DB curl 20s x 10
- cable tricep pressdown ? x 10
- DB shrug 50s x 10
- jump rope x 100