last night
- GMB wrists
this morning
- GMB wrists, hips, shoulders
ETA: i woke up before my alarm this morning, fully awake. used the time to do some mobility stuff. felt awesome. lady friend and i have agreed to start going to bed earlier during the week. being up and active for a while before work is amazing, much better than hitting snooze.
- warm up
jump rope + GMB wrists, hips, shoulders
- DB OHP 20s x 5,5
- pull up sternum-to-bar x 5,5
- trap bar DL 105 x 5,5
- cable curl 32 x 10
- tricep pressdown 45 x 10
- hollow body hold x 20s,20s,20s
first time back in the gym in a good while. gonna keep doing normal lifting stuff while stepping up wrist and shoulder prep and getting my hollow body hold up to a full minute. once i can get onto my hands with straight arms, hello handstand, tuck planche, etc. can do crow pretty easily. also it'd be awesome to learn how to do a backflip.