LOL, thanks zgin.
Meant to post this yesterday so I can reference it later.
Report on first full session of PT: Got there, they threw a heat pack around my ankle and let it sit for about ten minutes. Then the PT did some massage and manipulation of the foot and knee. Then she took me through some assisted stretches for each leg. She's a student (main guy was working with other patients but had an eye on, like last time) so I'm not sure she was doing the stretches exactly right. Then she had me do band-resisted exercises for dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, inversion and eversion. Then sitting up and picking up little stones with my toes and putting them in a bucket. Then moving a rolled towel across the floor by grabbing with my toes and moving them in without shifting my heel -- not sure I was doing this right and, again, not sure she knew enough to correct me. But that's okay.
Then bosu squats while shaking a Body Blade, set of 20. Then throwing a heavy ball against the angled trampoline while standing on each foot, 20 normal then 20 taking the ball back over my shoulder before throwing it. Then band around the upper part of the knees, spreading knees out while keeping feet together. Sets of 20 with a 5 second hold, first on my back and then on each side. These sucked, particularly lying on my left side, i.e. using my right glute. Then sideways band walks, 2 sets of down-and-back. Then prone hamstring curls, which I've been doing on my own.
Then 15 minutes of electrostim with my foot wrapped in an ice pack.
Then done.