cont'd from vag's log
...Anyway, thinking about fencing practice, it's basically 90% technique work/drills and 10% bouts. There is no other conditioning, except some running. You get all the conditioning from some of the technique stuff (imagine iso-holding in a half squat while moving forwards and backwards while not moving your torso at all -- for 20 minutes), and they could care less if you do a pushup or lift a weight.*
Thinking about that now, I don't really know how it transfers to the way I train today. I definitely have no problem taking rest days; I get that they're important. And I love the weight room, probably a little too much. Honestly I should probably get back closer to the way I trained in middle school and high school: more technique, more frequently.
*At my MT session this morning, the lady started on my left leg and basically went top to bottom. And as soon as she moved from my left leg to my right she commented that there's a lot more definition there and it's a log bigger than my left. After all these years, I'm still noticeably asymmetrical because of my fencing posture. The MT was awesome though, I made an appointment for next week. But shiiiiiiiiiiit it hurt. I think I'm gonna have a bruise on my left calf.