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Re: from bull to beast, hopefully...
« Reply #150 on: May 20, 2010, 09:01:24 am »
week 28
4 x 50, 60, 70

3 x 90, 100, 110, 120, 125, 130
8 x 100

Hang Cleans
4 x 50, 50

8 x 30, 35
4 x 40, 45, 40
8 x 35, 30

DB lunges
5 x 28, 28, 28, 28,

Back extension
10kg x 10, 10, 10, 10

Hanging leg raises
4 x 10

rebounding quick lunges
3 x 10

supersetted with

3 x 10
BW: 74kg
Ht: 174cm, 5'8
reach: 220cm


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Re: from bull to beast, hopefully...
« Reply #151 on: May 20, 2010, 09:02:45 am »
no prob dude, was planning on starting next week anyway.

hip today was alright.. but if u look at rip's link,

its the white spot beside the red zone that rip mentioned..
BW: 74kg
Ht: 174cm, 5'8
reach: 220cm


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Re: from bull to beast, hopefully...
« Reply #152 on: May 21, 2010, 02:56:12 am »
no prob dude, was planning on starting next week anyway.

hip today was alright.. but if u look at rip's link,

its the white spot beside the red zone that rip mentioned..

damn, can't have that become chronic or get any worse, i had that for a few months and it sucked hardcore, stopped squatting "deep" as a result, my vert thanked me and so did my hip.

Ok well, you've been in strength phase for a while now, so we should try and peak and feel really fresh.

I came up with some stuff but, I need to know if you can jump for PR's on saturday, say, before you game, or if after your game you feel fresh and can jump for PR's after? if you can the structure will be alot nicer, because that would be the best day to go for PR's...


One of the workouts would be this, but day 2 & 3 depend on what can be done on saturday:

Day 1: STIM
- SVJ's: 3x3 after warmup svj's
- 1-step lead in RVJ's: 2x2 (after warmup rvj's)
- stiff leg ankle hops: 2x3
- 1-step lead in RVJ's: 2-3x3

- Depth jumps: 2x5 from ~18-24"
- REA squat: 3x3

- C1: MSEM squat: 2 x 3 (~30s rest between reps, reset & rerack bar between each rep), 85-90% 1RM
- C1-rest: 5 minutes
- C1: jump squat: 2 x 5 (~30s rest between reps, reset & rerack bar between each rep), starting at 20% 1RM


so just need some feedback on the saturday thing.. how do you normally feel after saturday too, for example, sunday? you feel fresh? i wouldnt imagine you'd be too run down?

peace man sorry for delay, just need some more info.


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Re: from bull to beast, hopefully...
« Reply #153 on: May 21, 2010, 05:26:24 pm »
ah.. i see that its very little weight work, mixed with more actual jumping...
is it a must to have them in the same workout?

the reason why im askin this is cos the courts at the gym i go to, they're always kinda packed.
and there's a court just 5 mins away from my place, so if we could split them into weights day, and court days, it'd be easier.

but if there's a reason why u plan them like that, i'll definitely try to work things out, mayb get to the gym earlier or something.

you'd have to explain some of the terms there im afraid man...

whats a 1-step lead in RVJ?
what core exercises do u recommend? i normally dun concentrate too much on these, i just slap on a few sets at the end of each workout if i still have any energy left..

jumping for PRs... i could do that during warmups... but there isnt much time to be honest, each weekend 3 games are planned back to back.

as for feelin fresh or not on sunday after the game... that'd depend on how tough the week's work was. if both weight sessions tire me out, and i dun recover in time, i go to the game on sat at less than 100%, then sunday i dun really remember how i feel, i was always just anticipating the next workout. but i'd imagine i dun feel any much worse...
BW: 74kg
Ht: 174cm, 5'8
reach: 220cm


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Re: from bull to beast, hopefully...
« Reply #154 on: May 22, 2010, 04:12:32 am »
ah.. i see that its very little weight work, mixed with more actual jumping...
is it a must to have them in the same workout?

the reason why im askin this is cos the courts at the gym i go to, they're always kinda packed.
and there's a court just 5 mins away from my place, so if we could split them into weights day, and court days, it'd be easier.

but if there's a reason why u plan them like that, i'll definitely try to work things out, mayb get to the gym earlier or something.

nah man ill switch it up, will post tomorrow.. i feel you on that, rip had a slightly similar issue with his gym

you'd have to explain some of the terms there im afraid man...

whats a 1-step lead in RVJ?

1 step into a plant then jump..

what core exercises do u recommend? i normally dun concentrate too much on these, i just slap on a few sets at the end of each workout if i still have any energy left..

ya.. single leg side pillars, front pillars, rollouts, v-ups, bicycle crunch etc.. can just pick a few knock em out and bam, done.

jumping for PRs... i could do that during warmups... but there isnt much time to be honest, each weekend 3 games are planned back to back.

ahhhhhhhhh.... 3 games ya thats alot.. i only thought one game.. ok ok .

as for feelin fresh or not on sunday after the game... that'd depend on how tough the week's work was. if both weight sessions tire me out, and i dun recover in time, i go to the game on sat at less than 100%, then sunday i dun really remember how i feel, i was always just anticipating the next workout. but i'd imagine i dun feel any much worse...

will post smt tmw.


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Re: from bull to beast, hopefully...
« Reply #155 on: May 23, 2010, 11:38:04 pm »
ok ok i got a nice layout will post later.. modified based on the new parameters.



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Re: from bull to beast, hopefully...
« Reply #156 on: May 24, 2010, 12:16:58 am »
nice nice... thanks alot andrew, if i ever get to dunking the only reason would be your help!

after reading thru jack's articles at his site, it looked like i am severely lacking in the power and rfd section haha... which i suppose is kinda true, if my 2 step walkin VJ and running VJ has less than 4 inches between them.. or maybe severe lack in technique.

either way, more work to be done, lets go lets go!
BW: 74kg
Ht: 174cm, 5'8
reach: 220cm


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Re: from bull to beast, hopefully...
« Reply #157 on: May 24, 2010, 12:20:35 am »
nice nice... thanks alot andrew, if i ever get to dunking the only reason would be your help!

you're putting in all the work man it's all you.

after reading thru jack's articles at his site, it looked like i am severely lacking in the power and rfd section haha... which i suppose is kinda true, if my 2 step walkin VJ and running VJ has less than 4 inches between them.. or maybe severe lack in technique.

either way, more work to be done, lets go lets go!

ya man our 2 months is going to be very much RFD/power based, but still maintaining (and hopefully also improving) strength.

gonna workout then post.. bbiab!


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Re: from bull to beast, hopefully...
« Reply #158 on: May 24, 2010, 03:32:38 am »
ok so, we'll have a two week rotation so to get some extra volume in on the second week.. this is what I propose:

week 1: power emphasis
week 2: power + strength maintenance
week 3: possibly repeat if you are feeling great, otherwise 1 session of MSEM with 2-3 days rest following, then peak vert
week 4: repeat ...

week 1:
- sunday: rest
- monday: power lower
- tuesday: rest
- wednesday: workout #1: jump session        workout #2: upper body
- thursday: power lower
- friday: rest
- saturday: games (use one of the warmups to hit some nice jumps, but you'll be jumping alot so..)

week 1: Day 1: Monday
- Active-Dynamic WARMUP
- "Stiff leg" Jump rope: 8 sets of 200 turns (i'll go more over this later)

- REA squat: 3x3

- C1: MSEM squat: 2 x 3 (~30s rest between reps, reset & rerack bar between each rep), 85-90% 1RM
- C1-rest: 5 minutes
- C1: jump squat: 2 x 5 (~30s rest between reps, reset & rerack bar between each rep), starting at 20% 1RM

- S1: Pullups: 2xAF
- S1: dips or pushups: 2xAF


Week 1: Day 2: Wednesday: Workout 1
- Small Caffeine Drink: 30 minutes prior, starbucks coffee drink or something, prebottled.
- SVJ's: 3x3
- RVJ's: As many as you want

Week 1: Day 2: Wednesday: Workout 2

- PRESS 1: OVERHEAD PRESS: Work up to a heavy 1 x 5:
- PULL 1: SEATED ROW: Work up to a heavy 2 x 5:
- PRESS 2: BENCH PRESS: Work up to a heavy 1 x 5:
- PULL 2: WEIGHTED CHINUPS: Work up to a heavy 1 x 5


Week 1: Day 3: Thursday
- Active-Dynamic WARMUP
- "Stiff leg" Jump rope: 8 sets of 200 turns (i'll go more over this later)

- REA squat: 5x3

- MSEM squat: 2 x 3 (~30s rest between reps, reset & rerack bar between each rep), 85-90% 1RM
- REST: 5 minutes

- S1: Pullups: 2xAF
- S1: dips or pushups: 2xAF


week 2:
- sunday: rest
- monday: volume lower
- tuesday: rest
- wednesday: upper body
- thursday: workout #1: jump session,  workout #2: power lower
- friday: rest
- saturday: games (use one of the warmups to hit some nice jumps, but you'll be jumping alot so..)

Week 2: Day 1: Monday
- Active-Dynamic WARMUP
- "Stiff leg" Jump rope: 8 sets of 200 turns (i'll go more over this later)

- REA SQUAT: 3x3
- SQUAT: 3x5 (done with 6-7RM), full rest between sets
- DB WALKING LUNGE: 3x5 each (done with 6-7RM), full rest between sets
- CALF RAISE: LIGHT: 3x10, 60s rest between sets

- S1: Pullups: 2xAF
- S2: Pushups or dips: 2xAF


Week 2: Day 2: Upper
- WARMUP (LIGHT BASKETBALL, help recover legs)

- PRESS 1: OVERHEAD PRESS: Work up to a heavy 1 x 5:
- PULL 1: SEATED ROW: Work up to a heavy 2 x 5:
- PRESS 2: BENCH PRESS: Work up to a heavy 1 x 5:
- PULL 2: WEIGHTED CHINUPS: Work up to a heavy 1 x 5


Week 2: Day 3: Thursday: Workout #1
- Small Caffeine Drink: 30 minutes prior, starbucks coffee drink or something, prebottled.
- SVJ's: 3x3
- RVJ's: As many as you want, but not too much passed dropoff since there's a workout #2

Week 2: Day 3: Thursday: Workout #2
- Active-Dynamic WARMUP
- "Stiff leg" Jump rope: 8 sets of 200 turns (i'll go more over this later)

- REA squat: 3x3

- C1: MSEM squat: 2 x 5 (~30s rest between reps, reset & rerack bar between each rep), 85% 1RM (Lighter)
- C1-rest: 5 minutes
- C1: jump squat: 2 x 5 (~30s rest between reps, reset & rerack bar between each rep), starting at 25% 1RM

- S1: Pullups: 2xAF
- S1: dips or pushups: 2xAF


ok we'll fill in stuff you are unsure of etc.. and i'll re-edit as you reply.


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Re: from bull to beast, hopefully...
« Reply #159 on: May 24, 2010, 03:49:17 am »
at work now... gonna hit the gym later, thanks for putting it up in time!

on each week version for day 2, u have workout 1 and workout 2.
so do i do both in a day, or #1 for a week, #2 for the next, meaning the 2 week programme u posted is actually a 1 month program?

the overall volume looks like something i can handle, lower than the workouts i normally go thru, but i'll see how it goes...

8 sets of 200 stiff legged jump ropes? that'd essentially be 1600 reps of stiff leg ankle hops, no?
i mean, i'll probably do ankle hops, in place of actually skipping the rope, cos i dun have one. but mayb i'll go get myself a rope anyways...
either way, i'll try, but im not too optimistic that i can actually do 1600 reps haha!
BW: 74kg
Ht: 174cm, 5'8
reach: 220cm


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Re: from bull to beast, hopefully...
« Reply #160 on: May 24, 2010, 03:55:31 am »
at work now... gonna hit the gym later, thanks for putting it up in time!

np man

on each week version for day 2, u have workout 1 and workout 2.
so do i do both in a day, or #1 for a week, #2 for the next, meaning the 2 week programme u posted is actually a 1 month program?

workout 1 would be like morning or afternoon, workout 2 would be later that day.. so since the court is like 5 mins from your house, that's workout #1, then #2 would be getting to the gym and finishing off the day.

the overall volume looks like something i can handle, lower than the workouts i normally go thru, but i'll see how it goes...

ya the overall volume per session is lower for a reason.. gotta stay fresh.

8 sets of 200 stiff legged jump ropes? that'd essentially be 1600 reps of stiff leg ankle hops, no?
i mean, i'll probably do ankle hops, in place of actually skipping the rope, cos i dun have one. but mayb i'll go get myself a rope anyways...
either way, i'll try, but im not too optimistic that i can actually do 1600 reps haha!

nah jump rope is way different, you get like 2-4 inches of air on each hop :D

i take it you're not that experienced with jump rope, so even more reason to get one.. stiff leg jump rope is great for targeting vmo/hamstrings/glutes in that completely locked out position, it will give you more pop at triple extension.. thing is, its way less intense than stiff leg hops (getting max height), trust me you'd be fine doing it.

edit: do you have a sports authority around you ? if so just get a nike rope from there.. if not i can url you one, it's a good investment.. like $10

peace man


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Re: from bull to beast, hopefully...
« Reply #161 on: May 24, 2010, 04:06:20 am »
^^ check that reply

but ya if you're having trouble jump roping then we can drop the sets down to like 4 or something.. if you are proficient at jump rope, 8 rounds of 200 turns is nothing.. fyi.

peace man!


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Re: from bull to beast, hopefully...
« Reply #162 on: May 25, 2010, 01:44:52 am »
week 29
adarq block week 1

stiff hops
5 x 200

could feel my calves starting to cramp up, so stopped. my calves are notoriously poor at recovery, remembered not walking properly for days at a stretch after calf raises on a raised platform in past sessions.

3 x 3 x 60kg

MSEM squats
3 x 120kg
3 x 127.5kg

1st set felt so easy, decided to take advantage and push it somemore.

jump squats
2 x 5 x 35kg

first set, i thought the weight was too little. almost wanted to up the weights for 2nd set, but went along anyway. good thing i did, cos i noticed that the time from eccentric to concentric was noticeably longer for the last few reps. and if a klutz like me can tangibly notice it, it must be a damn big difference haha.

22, 15

27, 17

officially hate doing lightweight stuff to failure :p

core stuff

leg raises
2 x 15

raised planks
2 x 1min

still felt like i could do more, so went ahead with

lateral DB raises
2 x 10 x 10kg
BW: 74kg
Ht: 174cm, 5'8
reach: 220cm


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Re: from bull to beast, hopefully...
« Reply #163 on: May 25, 2010, 01:49:33 am »
hmmm... does it matter which way i go into my double legged RVJ?

cos i just realised that i have no fixed way, sometimes i go in L-R (at this point both feet are together,gathering to go up)-jump, sometimes its R-L-jump.

considering i jump off my left leg for my SLRVJ, would it be more advantageous for me to fix it one method?
funny thing is, while i jump off my left, i have a feeling my right leg is stronger and more stable  haha. puzzling :-\

BW: 74kg
Ht: 174cm, 5'8
reach: 220cm


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Re: from bull to beast, hopefully...
« Reply #164 on: May 25, 2010, 02:01:38 am »
the previous workout, i felt something weird in my nose, like it was inflammed or something. had to hold it with my hands to calm it abit. definitely affected my workout haha.

maybe i overdosed on the caffeine or beta-alanine, tho it hardly seems the case, cos the most recent workout were with the same doses, and i felt absofuckinglutely great the whole workout. well, not the ending bits tho.. HAHAHA!

not sure why, hope the nose/hips don't act weird again...
BW: 74kg
Ht: 174cm, 5'8
reach: 220cm