Not a health/fitness update, more of a life update:
Short version: I'll be applying for a middle school teaching position tomorrow in a better paying school district to focus on me. Everyone wish me luck!
Long version: I've been working a high school job for the past 4 years and honestly it's been exhausting. High school age students are awesome to work with, but the excess of events outside of my normal contract hours has become unbearable. I haven't had a single week during the regular school year where I don't have at least one work commitment in the evening. More often than not it's at least 2-3 due to extra rehearsals/concerts/football and basketball band/region festivals/tours. All of this is separate from the extra work I have to do to plan lessons or do grading, which I mostly try to take care of during my planning period. Teachers measure their course load in "preps" or different classes that they have to prepare for. Ideally you have 2 or 3, maybe 4. Teaching English, that would be maybe 3 different freshman english classes, 2 sophomore classes, and maybe an honors english class. That would be considered 3 "preps."
.... I have 6 preps. Some are similar types of groups but none of them have the same instrumentation, and none of them perform the same music as each other.
Essentially, I've been spread thin for the past 4 years, and it's a big part of what's taken a toll on me physically and mentally (on top of separation from family, difficulty making friends in small-ish town with a schedule like that, and close relationships that have drifted apart partially due to my inaccessability)
Hoping to improve my health through more than just my food and exercise.