week 81
monday, lance week 3
warmup, prehab
sprints: 3 x short incline
stiff leg ankle hops: 3 x 20
MR tucks: 2 x 5
jump snatch: 4 x 5 (35, 42.5, 42.5, 42.5)
squats: 4 5 (100, 105, 105, 105)
RDL: 3 x 7 (80, 82.5, 82.5)
lunges: 2 x 10 (60)
calf raises: 2 x 15 (110)
s1: garhammer hanging knee raises: 3 x 15
s1: EZ biceps curls: 3 x 12 (20kg)
- progression still there on most lifts. rdl, squats, snatch, calf raises.
- garhammer raises were supposed to be tougher than the usual hanging straight leg raises i usually do, but they werent.
- jump snatches felt harder than they should. still pretty alright, but was expecting it to be easy.
- i think those lunges are making the outside tendons behind the knees tight. possible due to me not being able to do them in the open, and being confined to the rack.
- might not be able to do second workout this week, got physical test on thurs. will see if fri is possible.