Nah, i did the same mistake in the past. 1 hour of vigorous weightlifting is no more than 300kcals. From what i remember the most consuming sport is boxing and even 1 hour of boxing is around 800kcals. You need to drastically reduce your caloric income if you want to cut some fat.
Some examples that i remember to realize how it goes:
dreyth is 190-200lbs at 10% or less, long workouts, 8 miles walking and he uses ~2800 as maintenance.
lbss is ~180lbs at ~12%, works out for 2 hours and also uses around ~2800 as maintenance
entropy is now ~175/12% but uses 1500 to cut.
myself , ~195/16% and i go ~2100 on workout days, ~1800 on non workout to cut.
General rule of thumb: ~10*bodyweight for cutting , ~1800 for you.