^I would love to squat everyday. In fact I do squat everyday, sometimes just a few reps to some light reps, and other days the heavier.
I think I could squat heavier if I gulped big breath of air in my diaphram on the discension, but I don't do it because I view that as cheating. I actually exhale most the time before discension....
what.. exhale while descending? using air to increase IAP, cheating?
this convo would probably be best in your journal but, that's nuts. kill such thoughts with fire, and do what the best/elites do. absolutely none of them do what you just described. i'm 100% certain kingfish WOULD NOT prescribe exhaling while descending in a squat.
I guess I am just saving it for a good time to actually gulp big breath of air before discension. I realized that when I do do that it is so much easier than exhaling.
Week of Oct. 2
Notes Another week. No strength gains, and no fat losses. Just more time wasted. For some reason there is some ankle joint issue I have developed (the joint right behind the achilles tendon). It may have to do with having severe flat foot and fallen arch. When I twist it a certain way, there is some pain, but it almost never happens during sprinting and even bball.
I got one of my online friends to use strava, to record his running .. he's trying to get down to 140 lb, he's a professional boxer.
His weight one month ago, his current weight & his last 4 weeks of mileage:
- 159 lb.
- 160 lb.
- 12.3, 35.2, 21.4, 16.5
My weight one month ago, my current weight & my last 4 weeks of mileage:
- 155 lb.
- 146 lb.
- 51.3, 50.6, 58.6, 64.5
The point is.. data doesn't lie. Working out to work out is fine, it shouldn't be looked down upon, so all of those people who just want to hit the gym and get in some work to "stay healthy & fit", that's cool. But, when one has goals like yours, you can't just workout to work out.. If week by week goes by and it's the same "no strength gains, no fat loss" etc, then you should try and perhaps re-evaluate. Focus on literally just one thing (fat loss perhaps) and get it done.
There's absolutely no way to not lose fat if you're putting in the work and eating good. Anyone who struggles with this is simply not putting in the work, or if they are putting in the work, gorging on massive amounts of food ... but it's more often the first case.
Also, sucks about the ankle injury.. try not to mess with it too much though, like over stretching it/messing with your ankle. I actually injured my calcaneal ligament way back, by messing around with my ankle mobility.
Yeah I try to have a purpose on each workout, sometimes just squat for blood flow, flexibility, and/or burn kcal. Sometimes obv for strength gain etc. Maybe I need to just suck it up and go for the 4x8 heavy day that I've been putting off for such a long time.
The thing is that for me if i start to eat cleaner and less, i sacrifice sleep. i really don't sleep well if i don't eat a lot of calories. as you can see i get good sleep like 9-10 hrs each day on avg. sometimes i might sleep just 2-3 hr but i make up for it with 15 hour sleep days.
appreciate your opinion on things, ie "as to why you do them", but I don't personally think they are legitimate reasons for doing what you do..
for example, "exhaling during descent", absolutely no reason to do it.. not taking a huge gulp of air and holding it is fine if the weights aren't heavy, but when they get HEAVY, it's one of the best ways to protect your spine .. so your reason for "saving it", only makes sense if you are saving it for your heaviest sets. To not utilize this technique during such heavy sets, is a major mistake IMHO. I mean, I didn't do the actual "gulp", but you can see me inhaling like crazy before I get under the bar of a very heavy set. I force the air in to the max. So you don't necessarily need to "gulp", but you do need to get air in you to actually create a stronger base (core) and protect your spine (fuck belts for the most part, they don't teach you how to properly stabilize your spine without the use of a crutch).
then you go on to say, "if i eat clean I sacrifice sleep". Again, it seems like some kind of reason you believe, but it's just not the truth. If you literally starved yourself all day, and then just ate "alot but clean" before sleep, you'd sleep fine. That's an extreme example, but it's an example nonetheless. So to me, the real reason your sleep suffers when you shift towards eating clean, is you're probably making too big a drastic change, or inadequately addressing the timing and/or frequency of meals etc. It's something really simple, trust me.
also fwiw, 9-10 hours can lead to issues.. just like 6-7 hours can. it's very individual so, it's just a word of precaution. Oversleeping is linked to brain disorders, undersleeping is linked to cardiovascular issues. So just be careful you aren't waking up "groggy" etc.
TLDR: be careful justifying some of these things with reasons that really don't hold up.. and by careful I mean, to you personally. Not to the forum or anything. It's easy to fall back on explanations that are really just "excuses".
also note that, many times when I reply to you on stuff like this, it's from a wealth of experience of making similar mistakes.. I've made literally every mistake in the book. So this kind of feedback is just something I see as you potentially making similar mistakes. That's why i'm also glad that you reply, most of the time, without holding these things back from the discussion. I just think, a year or so down the road, you will look back on such posts and go "damn wtf was I thinking? all I had to really do was <...> and now look where i'm at".