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Re: Everyday is Quad/Posterior Chain training!
« Reply #135 on: August 07, 2017, 10:48:06 pm »
Hey King, I don't want to clog up your journal so I'll delete this soon, but what would you do if you were in my situation;

Obviously I'm working a bit against age as I'm not a young pup anymore. I was really massaging and releasing tension in outer thigh of quads and might have over massaged by smashing a kettlebell against it, but this was like 2 weeks ago. It has been very tender ever since and I feel it a lot of times on squats esp front squats.

Should I take a break from squatting? Thanks!

lower intensity but do not totally skip the exercise if you can. any kind of volume work to get the blood going helps a lot in recovery.
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Goal: 40in svj, 44in rvj, sub 5 sec 40yrd dash
« Reply #136 on: August 31, 2017, 04:45:10 pm »
When you did that thread of '' is full of hard-working guys from the bottom end of the bell curve...' it made me scratch my head, we have had a lot of serious athletes here...they just don't stay very long.

I don't know why I said that, I'm a retard sometimes.

By the way, I might have to simply forfeit our contest and give you the crown and buy you an online gift card...... i have developed this strange condition where my hips lock up suddenly or groin, happens every 5-10 minutes randomly than goes away if i do some kind of awkward stretch, but always comes back.

stop lifting so hard for now .. lift nice & light & less frequency, but focus more on continuing to get in better shape, drop fat, etc.

also make sure you are properly hydrated. People who are worried about body comp often end up drinking less fluids to feel like they are losing weight, being dehydrated will make you more prone to injury - especially strains and aches.

also make sure you aren't stretching TOO MUCH, you could be hurting yourself. I'm the king of hurting myself stretching: i've hurt my hip twice really bad from stretching, the worst was sitting with feet together stretching my groin, somehow wrecked my hip for like 5 months or so.

lock up suddenly sounds kinds of nuts.. hope you're ok.

just don't be like raptor - he was stubborn while injured and just kept lifting "hard", hurting himself more and more.. he couldn't just tone it down and do light stuff/get in better condition etc, always had to do something "heavy" and he just could never seem to recover. That was his biggest mistake IMHO, try and not do that.

stubbornly lifting through pain becomes more of a "mental illness" .. i've done it, we all have .. recognize it & put health first. You'd be surprised how fit you can get with the health first mindset too.



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Re: Goal: 40in svj, 44in rvj, sub 5 sec 40yrd dash
« Reply #137 on: September 01, 2017, 09:28:34 am »
When you did that thread of '' is full of hard-working guys from the bottom end of the bell curve...' it made me scratch my head, we have had a lot of serious athletes here...they just don't stay very long.

I don't know why I said that, I'm a retard sometimes.

By the way, I might have to simply forfeit our contest and give you the crown and buy you an online gift card...... i have developed this strange condition where my hips lock up suddenly or groin, happens every 5-10 minutes randomly than goes away if i do some kind of awkward stretch, but always comes back.

I don't think you need to give up yet. Stretching and foam rolling are definitely overrated for keeping the hip complex loose and probably don't scratch the surface for chronic hip flexor tightness. Hip flexors get loaded up a ton with heavy barbell squats, and that's pretty much all you've been doing. High volume squatting will magnify any imbalances you have throughout the leg - ankle, knee or hip (usually hip). This guy has some great videos on hip impingement (click-baity thumbnail and title aside):

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

If you can afford it, get a good PT to check your hip alignment, back extension/flexion and hamstring flexibility, then get them to dig into your hip flexors and glute medius for a hour, then squat the next day. Or you can just get a good lacrosse/hockey ball and work on those muscles (especially the glute medius). Lying banded hip distraction with a hamstring stretch is great too, but only if a static hip flexor stretch doesn't cause pain in the anterior hip beyond a muscular stretch feeling. If that's the case, you need to keep massaging the hip flexors for awhile (1-2 weeks) before going hard on banded stretching etc. Just don't give up at the first sign of trouble. If you haven't had an acute tear of tissues, and it's come on gradually as training volume has increased, then it can definitely be managed - ignore terms like 'chronic', 'condition' and 'syndrome', they aren't helpful. Many athletic lower-body injuries can be boiled down to imbalances at the hip resulting in unequal forces being transmitted throughout the rest of the leg.


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Re: Goal: 40in svj, 44in rvj, sub 5 sec 40yrd dash
« Reply #138 on: September 07, 2017, 09:07:32 pm »
acole14: I've done all those stretches and more almost every day when I'm not training. i'm not sure if it's a hip impingement, seems more like snapping hip syndrome Or i may have slightly torn labrum from lateral movements in bball, or some other quick movement.

You keep talking about stretching....that is a tiny part of the issue here. You gotta work on the tissue quality son. That means strengthening first and foremost. You can train through this stuff by incorporating corrective exercises and working on the muscle tension through massage/ball work. If all you're doing is stretching ad nauseam, you aren't going to address the root cause. Go to a good PT if you can afford it and stop self-diagnosing, it'll be the best thing you can do right now.


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Re: Goal: 40in svj, 44in rvj, sub 5 sec 40yrd dash
« Reply #139 on: September 08, 2017, 01:33:09 am »
acole14: I've done all those stretches and more almost every day when I'm not training. i'm not sure if it's a hip impingement, seems more like snapping hip syndrome Or i may have slightly torn labrum from lateral movements in bball, or some other quick movement.

You keep talking about stretching....that is a tiny part of the issue here. You gotta work on the tissue quality son. That means strengthening first and foremost. You can train through this stuff by incorporating corrective exercises and working on the muscle tension through massage/ball work. If all you're doing is stretching ad nauseam, you aren't going to address the root cause. Go to a good PT if you can afford it and stop self-diagnosing, it'll be the best thing you can do right now.

dude claims that if you have condition X then stretching makes it worse but condition Y will benefit. So it depends and you might be making things worse depending on your condition
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Re: Goal: 40in svj, 44in rvj, sub 5 sec 40yrd dash
« Reply #140 on: September 08, 2017, 05:03:02 pm »
acole14: I've done all those stretches and more almost every day when I'm not training. i'm not sure if it's a hip impingement, seems more like snapping hip syndrome Or i may have slightly torn labrum from lateral movements in bball, or some other quick movement.

You keep talking about stretching....that is a tiny part of the issue here. You gotta work on the tissue quality son. That means strengthening first and foremost. You can train through this stuff by incorporating corrective exercises and working on the muscle tension through massage/ball work. If all you're doing is stretching ad nauseam, you aren't going to address the root cause. Go to a good PT if you can afford it and stop self-diagnosing, it'll be the best thing you can do right now.

great stuff.

ya it really is crazy how most of this is in our brain, literally.


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Re: Goal: 40in svj, 44in rvj, sub 5 sec 40yrd dash
« Reply #141 on: September 14, 2017, 06:43:18 am »
BW: 86kg
Misc: So far no doms but i know that may well change ..
Diet Compliance: 14/14, 0/5, 9/9, 0/2, 4/4, 0/2, 11/11


Less than 200 days left! Yikes. Im neither lean, strong nor fit. Need to do better.

lol, I feel the same. My bulk= maintain strength add fat. My cut= lose strength and muscle at same rate as fat

You can do this better using EC for muscle sparing. Not sure where you live but you can buy Bronkaid from pharmacies like CVS by showing them your ID.  Also use a lot of protein. Cut down on extra activity to minimise unnecessary fatigue and have high quality lifting sessions where you maintain the weight on the bar during the cut. Sleep really well. Also cut down the number of training days per week to around 2.5. That will help a lot.
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Re: Goal: 40in svj, 44in rvj, sub 5 sec 40yrd dash
« Reply #142 on: September 14, 2017, 01:22:41 pm »
i'm worried that this is starting to look like a "sob story".

you know what to do..

get focused, stay positive, don't dwell/be negative, be consistent, don't rush, no excuses, and get it done!

this is all part of the journey .. the process is difficult. if it were easy, everyone would do it .. and from all of the proof that exists out there, only a very small percentage of people will make a huge transformation - but these are the people (we have several on here to learn from in journals) who just keep pushing forward & try to perfect their craft.



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Re: Goal: 40in svj, 44in rvj, sub 5 sec 40yrd dash
« Reply #143 on: September 14, 2017, 01:31:05 pm »
BW: 86kg
Misc: So far no doms but i know that may well change ..
Diet Compliance: 14/14, 0/5, 9/9, 0/2, 4/4, 0/2, 11/11


Less than 200 days left! Yikes. Im neither lean, strong nor fit. Need to do better.

lol, I feel the same. My bulk= maintain strength add fat. My cut= lose strength and muscle at same rate as fat

You can do this better using EC for muscle sparing. Not sure where you live but you can buy Bronkaid from pharmacies like CVS by showing them your ID.  Also use a lot of protein. Cut down on extra activity to minimise unnecessary fatigue and have high quality lifting sessions where you maintain the weight on the bar during the cut. Sleep really well. Also cut down the number of training days per week to around 2.5. That will help a lot.

disagree with the EC/Bronkaid advice, lol :ninja: Agree with the sleep + protein (if alot is just adequate). Disagree with cutting down activity - one of the best ways to maintain muscle mass, is to use it, so training more frequently, in preferably short sessions (45-90 min), will help maintain mass. Long sessions with inadequate nutrition will definitely cause you to lose mass. Short, frequent, "intense" sessions with adequate nutrition (even if it's slightly deficit) will help you maintain mass.

Don't need any of that EC stuff IMHO. Want muscle sparing? Just perform 3 x 10-12 reps full body (push pull lower) 3-5x/week, nice and light .. and eat clean + get in adequate protein (at least 1g / kg bodyweight).

The best way to cut fat, is to do it slowly through a more healthy lifestyle change: cardio + clean diet. Drastic changes are more risky, and might cause one to return back to normal or even fat-supercompensate by eating everything in sight. Take the slow road, it's easy psychologically & it also helps you maintain mass easier.

also fwiw, this was me in early 2015 @ 207 lb, fat, probably in the obese category, absolutely no muscle definition anywhere, belly etc:  .... and you've probably seen late 2016 photos or my 2017 photos now. I don't lift anymore so it's harder for me to maintain abnormally high muscle mass given my frame, but when I was dunking, at ~145-150 lb I had abnormally large thigh mass, which was intended from squatting. So, through clean diet+exercise & lifting for strength (and to maintain muscle mass), I had no problem keeping muscle mass on the muscle groups I actually wanted to have muscle mass maintained.



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Re: Goal: 40in svj, 44in rvj, sub 5 sec 40yrd dash
« Reply #144 on: September 14, 2017, 11:44:36 pm »
BW: 86kg
Misc: So far no doms but i know that may well change ..
Diet Compliance: 14/14, 0/5, 9/9, 0/2, 4/4, 0/2, 11/11


Less than 200 days left! Yikes. Im neither lean, strong nor fit. Need to do better.

lol, I feel the same. My bulk= maintain strength add fat. My cut= lose strength and muscle at same rate as fat

You can do this better using EC for muscle sparing. Not sure where you live but you can buy Bronkaid from pharmacies like CVS by showing them your ID.  Also use a lot of protein. Cut down on extra activity to minimise unnecessary fatigue and have high quality lifting sessions where you maintain the weight on the bar during the cut. Sleep really well. Also cut down the number of training days per week to around 2.5. That will help a lot.

disagree with the EC/Bronkaid advice, lol :ninja: Agree with the sleep + protein (if alot is just adequate). Disagree with cutting down activity - one of the best ways to maintain muscle mass, is to use it, so training more frequently, in preferably short sessions (45-90 min), will help maintain mass. Long sessions with inadequate nutrition will definitely cause you to lose mass. Short, frequent, "intense" sessions with adequate nutrition (even if it's slightly deficit) will help you maintain mass.

Don't need any of that EC stuff IMHO. Want muscle sparing? Just perform 3 x 10-12 reps full body (push pull lower) 3-5x/week, nice and light .. and eat clean + get in adequate protein (at least 1g / kg bodyweight).

The best way to cut fat, is to do it slowly through a more healthy lifestyle change: cardio + clean diet. Drastic changes are more risky, and might cause one to return back to normal or even fat-supercompensate by eating everything in sight. Take the slow road, it's easy psychologically & it also helps you maintain mass easier.

also fwiw, this was me in early 2015 @ 207 lb, fat, probably in the obese category, absolutely no muscle definition anywhere, belly etc:  .... and you've probably seen late 2016 photos or my 2017 photos now. I don't lift anymore so it's harder for me to maintain abnormally high muscle mass given my frame, but when I was dunking, at ~145-150 lb I had abnormally large thigh mass, which was intended from squatting. So, through clean diet+exercise & lifting for strength (and to maintain muscle mass), I had no problem keeping muscle mass on the muscle groups I actually wanted to have muscle mass maintained.


I actually think this is a highly personal thing and in my book EC is perfectly safe. Have used it in the past and would use it again if not for living in a nanny state where it's completely banned. My best experience with EC was 18 months ago when i used EC while cutting down to ~165 while increasing muscle mass and strength on a pretty significant caloric deficit. And i was training super hard (not just lifting).  The muscle sparing benefits along of it on a cut are worth the sides (which only last a couple of days before subsiding). It's the most researched (scientifically) fat loss drug and was safe but people are dumb and overdose and ruin it for everyone etc.

However i will say that FDL is fat enough atm to not need any EC but if/when it becomes an issue it's worth considering it if you are worried about retaining muscle. Maybe once he's down 20-30lb from now? Actually EC is one of those things where its fat loss effects actually improve with chronic usage. But i think it's better to use it sparingly (ha ha) in short hardcore cuts (10-20 days) with big deficits. Up to the individual to decide. It's just one option.

One thing to keep in mind is if you need to cut a very long time (eg in this case) then towards the tail end you do actually suffer from the muscle wasting problem a lot more than if your cut is relatively brief (say 6-12wks).
« Last Edit: September 15, 2017, 12:06:02 am by maxent »
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Re: Goal: 40in svj, 44in rvj, sub 5 sec 40yrd dash
« Reply #145 on: September 14, 2017, 11:46:31 pm »
EC is a combination of ephedrine and caffeine.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: Goal: 40in svj, 44in rvj, sub 5 sec 40yrd dash
« Reply #146 on: September 15, 2017, 12:22:41 am »
How organized are you? Do you have a planner for keeping track of your daily tasks? Just making planner use consistent will help a lot. Planning things you want to accomplish the day before definitely, having a weekly plan/goals is also good. Start with easy plans, work up to more complex ones. Some days you will fuck up and not do what you planned but keep at it.

Have us hold you accountable. I've noticed you stopped posting calorie counts. Look at maxent's log and the way he always tracks his diet. If you want I can downvote you every time you fuck up with your diet. But keeping track of it is the most important thing, the second I stopped counting calories, was when my cut started to drop off.

I don't know how much crappy food you eat, but try not to buy it in the first place. Just having it there means you have to go through a willpower challenge every time you see it, whereas not buying it at all means you only have to have 1 willpower challenge.

Work down to less and less sugary foods - having only a few carefully selected emergency snacks - mine are plain yogurt with fruit, milk, beef jerky, PB and pistachios (last 2 are a little high in cals tho). I know you try to eat pretty healthy but just general guidelines.

PLAN OUT IF fasts until 6-8 hours after sleep. PLAN OUT your meals for the day/week ahead of time. Have a plan to avoid stress eating - cold showers are great, going for a 30 minute walk focusing on positive thoughts. Get your mind off things.


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Re: Goal: 40in svj, 44in rvj, sub 5 sec 40yrd dash
« Reply #147 on: September 15, 2017, 07:28:49 am »
How organized are you? Do you have a planner for keeping track of your daily tasks? Just making planner use consistent will help a lot. Planning things you want to accomplish the day before definitely, having a weekly plan/goals is also good. Start with easy plans, work up to more complex ones. Some days you will fuck up and not do what you planned but keep at it.

Have us hold you accountable. I've noticed you stopped posting calorie counts. Look at maxent's log and the way he always tracks his diet. If you want I can downvote you every time you fuck up with your diet. But keeping track of it is the most important thing, the second I stopped counting calories, was when my cut started to drop off.

chill bro.. at the time of this post, he's 3 votes from going positive :D

I don't know how much crappy food you eat, but try not to buy it in the first place. Just having it there means you have to go through a willpower challenge every time you see it, whereas not buying it at all means you only have to have 1 willpower challenge.

Work down to less and less sugary foods - having only a few carefully selected emergency snacks - mine are plain yogurt with fruit, milk, beef jerky, PB and pistachios (last 2 are a little high in cals tho). I know you try to eat pretty healthy but just general guidelines.

PLAN OUT IF fasts until 6-8 hours after sleep. PLAN OUT your meals for the day/week ahead of time. Have a plan to avoid stress eating - cold showers are great, going for a 30 minute walk focusing on positive thoughts. Get your mind off things.

Great advice in this post.

The trick for me is to approach it slowly. If I do anything drastic, I can rebound hard & binge out. It feels like a "slow shrinking of the stomach" & "battling the withdrawals of removing junk food" for me. It's hard at first, but eventually it becomes second nature, and all cravings for junk/sugary foods/heavy cheat foods disappear. I mean, I don't even enjoy fiberless coconut water anymore, it's just too sugary for me right now - I need something with fiber etc.

Also one way to think of it, "politically", is to just look at junk/processed foods/sugary drinks/overeating as a weapon of the "NWO", to shift people into a sedentary lifestyle where they require more calories, more medications, more doctor visits, and are less able to resist. I'm just playing around & I think it's just supply & demand, but I have thought about it in those terms before as a sci-fi theme. There are many influences out there in life which derail us from achieving our true physical human potential. What if most elite athletes were just, "less infected by sedentary influences" than the rest of us? I've also thought of non-essential fat (edit: "sport" (activity) specific) as rings on a "lazy tree" - if you look at most Americans for example, they just keep getting fatter as they get older, it's as if each pound of fat is some kind of ring on a tree that says "ah this was a great year, did basically nothing", "then the year after it was even better, did less". For me, that would have been 2012 through 2015 - but now those rings are gone :D I mention this because I recall seeing you make (on a rare occasion) posts about "the system" and such. For people who think along these lines, thinking about negative external influences as forms of control/suppression created by "the system" seems like a good motivator to defeat them.



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Re: Goal: 40in svj, 44in rvj, sub 5 sec 40yrd dash
« Reply #148 on: September 15, 2017, 07:44:56 am »
BW: 86kg
Misc: So far no doms but i know that may well change ..
Diet Compliance: 14/14, 0/5, 9/9, 0/2, 4/4, 0/2, 11/11


Less than 200 days left! Yikes. Im neither lean, strong nor fit. Need to do better.

lol, I feel the same. My bulk= maintain strength add fat. My cut= lose strength and muscle at same rate as fat

You can do this better using EC for muscle sparing. Not sure where you live but you can buy Bronkaid from pharmacies like CVS by showing them your ID.  Also use a lot of protein. Cut down on extra activity to minimise unnecessary fatigue and have high quality lifting sessions where you maintain the weight on the bar during the cut. Sleep really well. Also cut down the number of training days per week to around 2.5. That will help a lot.

disagree with the EC/Bronkaid advice, lol :ninja: Agree with the sleep + protein (if alot is just adequate). Disagree with cutting down activity - one of the best ways to maintain muscle mass, is to use it, so training more frequently, in preferably short sessions (45-90 min), will help maintain mass. Long sessions with inadequate nutrition will definitely cause you to lose mass. Short, frequent, "intense" sessions with adequate nutrition (even if it's slightly deficit) will help you maintain mass.

Don't need any of that EC stuff IMHO. Want muscle sparing? Just perform 3 x 10-12 reps full body (push pull lower) 3-5x/week, nice and light .. and eat clean + get in adequate protein (at least 1g / kg bodyweight).

The best way to cut fat, is to do it slowly through a more healthy lifestyle change: cardio + clean diet. Drastic changes are more risky, and might cause one to return back to normal or even fat-supercompensate by eating everything in sight. Take the slow road, it's easy psychologically & it also helps you maintain mass easier.

also fwiw, this was me in early 2015 @ 207 lb, fat, probably in the obese category, absolutely no muscle definition anywhere, belly etc:  .... and you've probably seen late 2016 photos or my 2017 photos now. I don't lift anymore so it's harder for me to maintain abnormally high muscle mass given my frame, but when I was dunking, at ~145-150 lb I had abnormally large thigh mass, which was intended from squatting. So, through clean diet+exercise & lifting for strength (and to maintain muscle mass), I had no problem keeping muscle mass on the muscle groups I actually wanted to have muscle mass maintained.


I actually think this is a highly personal thing and in my book EC is perfectly safe. Have used it in the past and would use it again if not for living in a nanny state where it's completely banned. My best experience with EC was 18 months ago when i used EC while cutting down to ~165 while increasing muscle mass and strength on a pretty significant caloric deficit. And i was training super hard (not just lifting).  The muscle sparing benefits along of it on a cut are worth the sides (which only last a couple of days before subsiding). It's the most researched (scientifically) fat loss drug and was safe but people are dumb and overdose and ruin it for everyone etc.

However i will say that FDL is fat enough atm to not need any EC but if/when it becomes an issue it's worth considering it if you are worried about retaining muscle. Maybe once he's down 20-30lb from now? Actually EC is one of those things where its fat loss effects actually improve with chronic usage. But i think it's better to use it sparingly (ha ha) in short hardcore cuts (10-20 days) with big deficits. Up to the individual to decide. It's just one option.

One thing to keep in mind is if you need to cut a very long time (eg in this case) then towards the tail end you do actually suffer from the muscle wasting problem a lot more than if your cut is relatively brief (say 6-12wks).

cool, I respect that. I'm not completely anti-supp, so if it's effective and safe, i'll consider "not attacking it". My issue was mostly with the timing of the advice - like you said, once he's down maybe 30 lb, then it might be worth considering. I still don't think it will be, but that's the appropriate time for sure, not now. So I was just disagreeing with it more on the timing perspective.

I mean, if people do their research and want to take PED's with the help of some medical team, as long as it's not cheating in the sport, then I guess go for it .. but, if they are considering this, they better be topped out athletically with many years of dedicated training, for me to be able to comprehend it. So that's where I come from on these things, the idea of whether or not there has been enough focused, hard, dedicated work, to justify taking supplement X or PED Y.

If you look on these bodybuilding forums, it's absolutely batshit. It seems people just want to take substances. It doesn't even seem like they want to achieve an effect, IMHO. From what i've witnessed on these forums, it's more about just "taking shit" than actually achieving anything. These people dish out roid advice & all kinds of crazy supplement/PED stacks to people who are literally training noobs, it's insane. People who were once athletic, now many years old, coming to a forum talking about how they want to get unfat, and asking about 20 different supplements and getting back all kinds of responses about what, when, and how to take chemical Z. To me it's absolutely baffling.

I personally believe, the best way for 99.9% of people/athletes to stimulate a specific change (more/less muscle, more/less fat, more/less conditioning, more/less strength, more/less power) is through simple methods of training, training frequency, nutrition, nutrition timing, and sleep.

So as a very simple example, if you want to achieve more fat, less muscle, less strength, less power, and less conditioning, you would alter your training regime to include less training, more food, and even improper sleep. We talk at length about the reverse, but I think talking about the inverse is also important, which we rarely do.

"Hi I would like to go from 10 pullups to 0 pullups, what should I do?"

That should be its own thread, "The Training Inverse" thread.. kind of like my "reverse hypertrophy" terminology :D

But back on topic, the human organism's potential for adaptation is absolutely beautiful .. finding the right external stimuli to cause our bodies themselves to produce the desired hormonal, neural, muscular, bone, etc adaptations, is where it's at IMHO. Simply ingesting/injecting manufactured chemical compounds and such, removes "the work needed for our bodies themselves to create these effects". That work, IMHO, is the key. Another quick example, taking CHEMICAL X (WITH N SIDE EFFECTS) to drop fat vs taking months to drop fat using cardio: the work, "cardio", will also improve heart, lungs, and other enzymes related to human performance, while in the process of burning fat.



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Re: Goal: 40in svj, 44in rvj, sub 5 sec 40yrd dash
« Reply #149 on: September 18, 2017, 01:22:21 pm »
Just got the TENS machine for 45.99 from $70.... seems like a total pos but it gets the job done.....

Zapped my finger so bad too when i grabbed it on accident while it was on HIGH, still stinging right now lol.

^^ LMFAO'd. hah.

Adarq- yeah lots activity is good, I want to gain some strength while I cut. I don't feel doing just 3 x 10 reps at a light weight is adequate. I'd like to do 3 x 10-12 reps at a decent weight while I cut, like 255 or higher. I don't do upper body lifts at all, lol.

btw when I said nice and light, I didn't meant it as "light weight". just to clarify, I was speaking about 10RM. 10RM is still well within the range for strength gains, and even more so in the range of hypertrophy gain than say 5 RM. So you can definitely gain strength using 10RM's and it's easier psychologically/nervous system wise than lower rep ranges, when calories are fluctuating below baseline.

as for upper, i'd at least do some bodyweight upper: dips/pushups/pullups/chinups are more than enough for maintain/gain upper body mass, and improve upper body strength/explosiveness.

Lol at the NWO theory, very interesting.... I've definitely thought about all of that stuff. Today people are more dependent on the stuff that corporation offers: pharmaceuticals, processed foods, soda drinks, tobacco, etc etc.....

Entropy-- I don't know about ephedrine.... seems like it has some adverse health issues..... I just take some caffeine though and even that I tend to take too much some times. I used to take 200-400 mg a day when I got back to training, now I am at Kingfish level taking 600-800mg a day..... it's not good imo.....