Thanks Man
The last time i checked was that my 100m time 14.4s and my running was 30inch and my standing was 26-27.
After My workout i have the following stats i am currently on.
There was this Sack track with concrete slabs with total weight of 140Kg. One person was leading it. I was the that would squat down grab the bottom and stand to lift it up stairs. So would that make my 1RM Deadlift 140kg.
ATG Squat (I go all the way to the bottom): 146lbs.
Barbell Lunges: 105lbs
Pull-Up Box Squat (by LanceSTS): approx 7 inch carrying 105lbs.
Bench Press: 103lbs
Bicep Barbell Curls:75lbs
above goes same for Seated Shoulder Press, Tricep Extension, Bent over Rows
That's all i can think of