One thing that really gets on my nerves are some imbalances I have that influence my training. My right shoulder hangs lower than my left and my reach is ~1 inch higher with my left. This has influenced my in the following ways:
*I land on my left leg first during jump squats and have to make an adjustment if I want to land on and work both legs.
*I noticed during RDLs that my right shoulder was hanging significantly lower than the left and probably holding a greater % of the weight.
*My left leg is stronger than my right.
*It has made me susceptible to injury and pain. Coming from my right groin area and some pain in my right shoulder.
How should I go about addressing these imbalances if at all? Current methods I use are single leg bounding, one-leg stability work, and upper body work using dumbbells. I feel like these have helped so far but I'm also worried about potential injuries in the future.
Do any of you experience similar issues and if so, how do you go about dealing with them?