The VS athletics can feel really goofy and weird. They have a 1-1/2" heel, no matter what size you are. There is no in between with the VS athletics
My VS Athletics just arrived today. The heel is exactly 1 1/4" or 10/8" while the midsole thickness is 3/8".
10/8 - 3/8 = 7/8.
The effective height of the heel is 7/8". Higher by an eighth of an inch than all the others (I think) except Risots. My Ristos have an effective height around the same, even though Ristos raise the heel as the shoe size increases to keep the foot angle constant. As far as I know, every WL shoe except Ristos have the same effective heel height for each foot size which means the angle at which it puts each foot is slightly different. Shorter feet will be at a steeper angle than longer feet.
I don't think this has ever been a problem for anyone in the history of WL shoes ever. 3/4" or so effective heel height has worked for people with size 6 shoes and those with size 12. As long as the shoe gets your heel higher than the ball of your foot, it will allow you to get your knees forward in the bottom of the squat while keeping your torso more vertical.