so I have a faster metabolism than the average person. I lift weights 3-5x a week and play ball 3-4x a week. I used to eat whatever the hell I wanted, whenever I wanted (fast food everyday) easily over 3000 calories a day. This routine kept my weight at maintenance.
I dieted twice before and both times I kept the same exercise routine, ate healthier, and limited calories to 1600-1800 a day. After a week I would drop like three pounds, then one pound a week for like two more weeksa and then I would plateau and just stop my diet. I go back to my normal eating habits and put the weight back on real quick, like 1-2 weeks.
Was 1600-1800 calories TOO little?
Right now I am about 13%BF, 150lb and wish to drop 5 more lbs, while building a lil muscle. I lost 2 lbs so far, since my diet I started last week. This time I'm eating cleaner, and eating 2000-2400 calories a day while getting about 150g of protein a day (sometimes a lil less) and taking fish oil supplements. I usually eat stuff like turkey/cheese sandwiches, subway, roasted chicken (no skin), pb&j, fruit/veggie juices, and bananas.
Am I dieting the right way this time? I want to drop to 145, then go back to being able to eat whatever I want as much as I want without gaining weight, staying at 145. How do I do this?
BTW, my natural bodyweight is about 140, which is where I always was before I started lifting and bulking up last year. To bulk, I had to eat like a monster, forcing myself to eat when I didn't even want to. Whenever in my life I just ate however much I wanted of whatever I wanted, I would always be at maintenance, except when I came off those two diets.