Hey Lance,
I was cleaning and feeling good, so after 135x3, 155x3, I went for 165x3, but as I lifted the bar off the ground druing the first rep, something went wrong on my back and I dropped the bar. Feeling like I was being a pussy, I tried repping 135 at lest, failed twice due to unstable feelings in my back.
Three days later, it's still pretty painful...sharp shooting pain all over back, like a grid - happens is certain positions, such as twisting back, bending down, etc. I would guess a strained muscle, but after initial pain, returning and staying at a normal position hurts a lot as well. All pains are SHARP, make me suck in breath and flex core.
Location is mid back, rightish side, next to spine. It isn't a bone for sure, and from what I've been reading, sound a lot like a herniated disk. Hurts like a B*TCH when sneezing, and walking downstairs.
Whats your diagnosis/treatment?
Thanks man, appreciate it.