Read this article today, would changing the type of squats I do be more effective. More interested in the lumberjack squats.
"The problem is that not every athlete, particularly those taller folks, are particularly well suited to back squatting. Some athletes are going to be much more suited to doing deadlifts, front squats, box squats, or lumberjack squats due to their size, flexibility limitations etc.
In these instances the 2x standard may not apply directly, but the message is the same. Get as strong as possible as you can on your prime mover big lifts and you will see great gains in your vertical jump."
nah, every athlete should back squat.. different leverages will change how you actually back squat, the depth, the style, etc.. but just because you don't fit the "mold", doesn't mean you should substitute back squat with deadlift/etc.. box squat/pin squat are a form of back squat, so ya, those work well with lankier athletes.. If getting oly shoes + mobility work helped you perform a picture perfect full back squat, i'd be amazed.. oly shoes will definitely help to improve your depth but it's not going to be good form below parallel, not with your leverages, you could prove me wrong though
so i'd stick with trying to get to a good half squat depth, if you used oly shoes you could definitely hit that depth alot easier than if you squat in basketball shoes.
the 2x standard always applies, it just depends on what depth you have.. at we believe in the 3-3.5x standard, 2x is for mini mouse stuff, we all need 3-3.5x half squats with decent speed to become elite