Hi Lance, so I'm a single leg jumper, and right now I'm am ~30" SVJ and ~38" RVJ. I am parallel squatting 220lbs for 5 reps at 153lb BW. Strength is obviously my biggest weakness right now, and I have been primarily focusing on getting my squat to 2xBW lately.
But when I think more about it. Since a SLRVJ is more p-chain dominant, wouldn't a conventional dead lift be the best primary strength builder for a single leg jumper like me? Right now I dead lift around 235lbs for 5 reps, (I have been squatting much more consistently and I have short arms, making dead lifts a lil harder). I would say I am good enough at using my lower body for dead lifts considering that my hamstrings are the main muscles getting murdered, and I lift the weight by snapping my hips forward. However, what's weird lately is my glutes don't burn at all during dead lifts (just like my squats as you have read from my other post), and for some reason, although my back is pretty straight, my UPPER back tends to get a weird uncomfortable feeling after heavy dead lifts?
Well lately, I have been keeping squats as my primary strength builder, with the trap bar dead lift as supplementary exercise. I am abroad right now, and my gym is tiny, and I would like to stick with what I am doing, which is 2 big lower body lifts. If you were currently in my situation, which 2 of the following 3 would you do, and which would you concentrate on as your primary lift? Squat / Dead Lift/ Trap Bar Dead Lift.