Author Topic: WTF my squat dropped ~70lbs!!!  (Read 5283 times)

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WTF my squat dropped ~70lbs!!!
« on: January 20, 2012, 12:50:00 pm »
Post finished. I don't understand how I went from 405x4 to 335 in about a month.

Here's some squat history:.

Basic set up:
Heavy day - 1x4, 2x7
Light day - 1x2
Heavy day - 1x4, 2x7

Eventually i switched from mon-wed-fri to mon-wed-sat because it fit my schedule better.
By the end I deloaded. Notice I started from 335x4 to 405x4 in just 7 weeks or so. A lof of my log data deleted so not everything is 100% accurate until the 4th week. But I DO recall gaining 10lbs a week on my 4RM.

Mon - 335 x 4 | 295 x 7 | 295 x 7
Wed - 340 x 2
Fri - 345 x 4 | 300 x 7 | 300 x 7

Mon - 350 x 4 | 305 x 7 | 305 x 7
Wed - 355 x 2
Sat - 360 x 4 |310 x 7 | 310 x 7

Mon - 355 x 4 | 315 x 7 | 315 x 7
Wed - 360 x 2
Fri - 360 x 4 | 320 x 7 | 320 x 7

Mon - 365 x 2
Wed - 365 x 4 | 325 x 7 | 325 x 7
Sat  - 370 x 4

Mon - 375 x 4 | 330 x 7 | 330 x 7
Wed - 375 x 2
Sat - 380 x 4 | 335 x 7 | 335 x 5

Mon - 385 x 2
Wed - 385 x 4 | 335 x 7 | 335 x 7
Sat - 390 x 4 | 340 x 7 | 340 x 5

Mon - 395 x 4  | 340 x 7 | 340 x 7
Wed - 395 x 1
Sat - 400 x 4 | 345 x 7 | 345 x 7

Mon - 405 x 1
Wed - 405 x 4 | 355 x 3
Fri - 365 x 1

Mon - 405 x 4 notice i did this TWICE, it was a consistent 4RM
Wed - 365 x 1
Fri - 405 x 1 (de-loading)

Tue - 405 x 1 (de-loading) but 405x1 felt VERY difficult
Fri - 405 x 1 (end of de-load)

Tue - 405 x 1 VERY difficult, thought I would go for 405x3 but couldn't
Sat - 355 x 5 | 355 x 5 | 355 x 5 extremely difficult

Tue - 345 x 5 | 345 x 5 | 345 x 3 Couldn't even do 3 sets of this
Sat - 345 x 5 | 345 x 5 | 345 x 5 Barely went up

Thu - 335 x 5 | 335 x 5 | 335 x 5 Continued decline in weight, this was near failure


What could be the cause for my plummeting squat gain?
FWIW, I was the same weight of the 405x4 thru 355x5. THEN I started to cut weight (lost 3 pounds so far, that's it).

« Last Edit: January 20, 2012, 05:05:08 pm by Dreyth »
I'm LAKERS from The Vertical Summit


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Re: WTF my squat dropped ~70lbs!!!
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2012, 05:05:23 pm »
Please, replies!  :'(
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Re: WTF my squat dropped ~70lbs!!!
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2012, 05:27:44 pm »
I think it could be anything. You could be sick and not know about it (some mild infection or something). Or it could be something as easy as not having the correct stance (too narrow of a stance throwing you off the rhytm) or something along those lines.

I mean, it's obvious you can't lose enough muscle in that time frame for this loss to occur so it has to be something else. Bad sleeping/bad eating/infection/overtraining/going to the gym at a different time of day than usual/a combination of factors.
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: WTF my squat dropped ~70lbs!!!
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2012, 08:22:38 pm »
Your programming looks weird. 2 heavy singles per week is not enough for most people to maintain their squat. Your training frequency declined as well. So your deloading-schedule might have been the cause for the decline in squat numbers.

The ongoing decline is probably because of your setup being not suitable for your training advancement. The 355 x 5 x 3 you have been doing would have felt heavy for most people with your strength. You are not adapted to doing heavy sets with 5ths, because you have been doing 7ths before at lighter weights. So that is not really strange. That the numbers got down further might just be an indicator of you not being able to recover from the current schedule which, again, is plausible. You are an intermediate trainee and going for 5 x 3 twice per week might just be too much, especially without recovery day.

My advise would be a Texas method setup from now on. You can keep the sets across with 5s on Monday, put a light day in there and go for high weights, low volume on Fri/Sat. You might find that much more easy to recover from and you get enough squat practice to progress further.


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Re: WTF my squat dropped ~70lbs!!!
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2012, 08:24:29 pm »
Well let me narrow it down:

Bad sleeping X
 - Probably not. These gains were made over school break and started to decline still over school break. Had a bunch of sleep throughout.

Stance X
 - Stance has not changed, though I did notice a great loss in bar speed. That, however, is due to the strength loss.

Diet X
 - I highly doubt this as well. I was at a consistent 200g protein a day, and stayed between 207-210 pounds throughout the final 5 weeks or so which means calories were at ~maintenance.

Supplements X
 - I doubt this. I continued to take creatine everday as well as protein.

Muscle loss X
 - I doubt this as well. I would have lost a bunch of weight if my squat dropped by 70lbs due to muscle loss. I didn't lose weight until I purposely started cutting AFTER the drop, and I've only lost 4lbs so far.

Neural Strength loss ?
 - It has to be this. If I didn't lose strength from muscle, then it must be from the CNS or something. There's no other place to lose the strength unless my limbs magically changed proportions along with my muscle insertions. Neural strength loss can be due to technique (which I already covered) or something else. Could it be from the de-load? Can a de-load account for a 70lb loss in the squat?!

I'm LAKERS from The Vertical Summit


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Re: WTF my squat dropped ~70lbs!!!
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2012, 08:26:32 pm »
Your programming looks weird. 2 heavy singles per week is not enough for most people to maintain their squat. Your training frequency declined as well. So your deloading-schedule might have been the cause for the decline in squat numbers.

The ongoing decline is probably because of your setup being not suitable for your training advancement. The 355 x 5 x 3 you have been doing would have felt heavy for most people with your strength. You are not adapted to doing heavy sets with 5ths, because you have been doing 7ths before at lighter weights. So that is not really strange. That the numbers got down further might just be an indicator of you not being able to recover from the current schedule which, again, is plausible. You are an intermediate trainee and going for 5 x 3 twice per week might just be too much, especially without recovery day.

My advise would be a Texas method setup from now on. You can keep the sets across with 5s on Monday, put a light day in there and go for high weights, low volume on Fri/Sat. You might find that much more easy to recover from and you get enough squat practice to progress further.

Thanks for the reply. The only then left is recovery/neural strength which I just posted up there ^^ must be from the de-load.

I think I'll have to give it some time to get my body used to the 3x5 again, but the thing is, I went from 405x4 to 355x5 and that was before having possible recovery problems from doing 3x5 twice a week.

Edit: nvm I see what your saying. Cause of first decline = weird deload. Cause of ongoing deload = body not recovering from 3x5 twice a week.

Looks like I'll have to switch to an intermediate squat program for sure. Texas method sounds good, 5/3/1 sounds great also. My friend has the entire book.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2012, 08:28:26 pm by Dreyth »
I'm LAKERS from The Vertical Summit


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Re: WTF my squat dropped ~70lbs!!!
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2012, 08:40:48 pm »
Ok I had just typed up a long post, but the summary was yes, it is all neural.

First though I'd liketo know,
1. Why did you deload?
2. How much did you "feel" like squatting during those first 7 weeks, versus the other 4 weeks when you lost strength?

After one week of deloading, you said 405 felt heavy. From my own experience, i think this is because the volume was WAY too low. Keeping voume higher will keep the motor pattern for squatting intact. That's one fo the benefits of lifting for higher reps, versus performing singles and soubles all the time, your body becomes used to this movement, and you feel like doing it more.

The past two months with deadlifting, I had the same problem, I deloaded and got weaker. I conclude it's from low volume heavy work, btu also starting bounds and sprints, which change the neural drive. So right now, I chenged my program entirely to accomodate this, because I can't make significant gains in deadlifting while bounding for isntance.

I'm wondering how much you "felt" like squatting because that can tell you how recovered you are in some circumstances. I don't think you were lacking in recovery during the last four wees, In fact I think you were taking too much time off, and your body was not used to this.
"Performance during stretch-shortening cycle exercise is influenced by the visco-elastic properties of the muscle-tendon units. During stretching of an activated muscle, mechanical energy is absorbed in the tendon structures (tendon and aponeurosis) and this energy can subsequently be re-utilized if shortening of the muscle immediately follows the stretching. According to Biscotti (2000), 72% of the elastic energy restitution action comes from tendons, 28% - from contractile elements of muscles.


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Re: WTF my squat dropped ~70lbs!!!
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2012, 08:50:56 pm »
Also, were you doing any other physical activity in between those tuesdays and saturdays that month when you dropped? That can influence the neural aspect as well and fuck up all progress. Like I said right now, I'm dropping heavy deads for bounding because I won't make gains due to neural competition, or whateer the mechanism is. Happened to be in october, and now this month january.
"Performance during stretch-shortening cycle exercise is influenced by the visco-elastic properties of the muscle-tendon units. During stretching of an activated muscle, mechanical energy is absorbed in the tendon structures (tendon and aponeurosis) and this energy can subsequently be re-utilized if shortening of the muscle immediately follows the stretching. According to Biscotti (2000), 72% of the elastic energy restitution action comes from tendons, 28% - from contractile elements of muscles.


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Re: WTF my squat dropped ~70lbs!!!
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2012, 09:06:24 pm »
Ok I had just typed up a long post, but the summary was yes, it is all neural.

First though I'd liketo know,
1. Why did you deload?

I wanted to come back strong for a 405x5 on video, a milestone I never thought I would achieve.

2. How much did you "feel" like squatting during those first 7 weeks, versus the other 4 weeks when you lost strength?

When I was making gains I couldn't wait to go squat, but after I dropped so much I lost a lot of motivation.

After one week of deloading, you said 405 felt heavy. From my own experience, i think this is because the volume was WAY too low. Keeping voume higher will keep the motor pattern for squatting intact.

Work sets were 4 reps. I thought 1 rep for a de-load, 2 or 3x a week would be fine. I think I only did it twice a week though. Maybe I should have done doubles and some back-off sets with more reps then.
I'm LAKERS from The Vertical Summit


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Re: WTF my squat dropped ~70lbs!!!
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2012, 11:39:37 pm »
i might have jinxd u when i asked for the "getting pinned vids".. i knew eventually something like this would happen. if it was that easy, (7 week in your case) then everybody would be squatting 4 plates... it just makes taking a 405x5 vid that much more rewarding if you get it.

IMO - you burned out because you are dishing so much effort in getting the x4 and the x7 weights.. there should be a time to focus on just getting the top set of 4, or the multi set of 7.. can't have all at once.

the worst you can do right now is stop lifting heavy. at least single a near max so you still get the form (of lifting heavy) going.
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: WTF my squat dropped ~70lbs!!!
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2012, 11:58:53 pm »
i might have jinxd u when i asked for the "getting pinned vids".. i knew eventually something like this would happen. if it was that easy, (7 week in your case) then everybody would be squatting 4 plates... it just makes taking a 405x5 vid that much more rewarding if you get it.

IMO - you burned out because you are dishing so much effort in getting the x4 and the x7 weights.. there should be a time to focus on just getting the top set of 4, or the multi set of 7.. can't have all at once.

the worst you can do right now is stop lifting heavy. at least single a near max so you still get the form (of lifting heavy) going.

The mixed sets of 4 and 7 was an experiment to see if it would stimulate quick gains and it did... quick gains, and sustained gains for 7 weeks straight.

I'm not sure if I burned out, I probably could have continued at a rate of 5lbs a week instead of 10lbs a week after that for like 2 weeks. I was close though.

I thought the de-load would help since I was near-burnout, but I guess I just de-loaded improperly. This is maybe the third time something like this has happened to my squat after a de-load.

And I can't believe burnouts drop my squat ~70lbs that's insane. Took so much effort to get there.
I'm LAKERS from The Vertical Summit


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Re: WTF my squat dropped ~70lbs!!!
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2012, 12:20:40 am »
^ dont stress too much. you lifted 405x4 with strict form. you have the leg mass to lift those weights. it just a matter of getting all planets to align your way... then ud have your 405x5 vid.

5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: WTF my squat dropped ~70lbs!!!
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2012, 08:35:15 am »
I remember when I was struggling to squat 130x1 one week ago after not squatting for a week straight... and complaining about it... and then I just came back the next workout and squatted 130x5 no problems. So... who knows? Maybe the next time you hit the gym you're going to squat 405x5 no problems.
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: WTF my squat dropped ~70lbs!!!
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2012, 12:41:19 pm »
It's probably neural.
Your gains haven't come from an increase in muscle mass but from better inter/intramuscular coordination.
If you want to keep your gains, put on some LBM(have a day where you do higher volume and also increase kcal overall) while you're doing your highish frequency-low volume squatting.