Author Topic: Weight training for increasing one's vertical jump  (Read 3367 times)

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Weight training for increasing one's vertical jump
« on: February 13, 2011, 02:34:24 am »
So I made a schedule of doing squats, dead lifts, and leg presses on a M/W/F schedule.  Is this too much or is it just fine?  I completely rest on days in between.  If I work out on Monday and am still sore on Wednesday, do I still workout or is it more beneficial to rest and continue Friday? 

Also, what level of strength should I aim for to maximize my vertical jump from a Absolute Strength Perspective?
1.5x BW on squats and deadlifts? 2x BW?

Lastly, on the squat, is it essential to do ATG or is parallel fine?
Goal is to dunk.

Vertical needed to dunk: 40"

Current vertical : 38.5"


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Re: Weight training for increasing one's vertical jump
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2011, 02:45:40 am »
Schedule sounds ok. Is that all you do though? Depending on volume that might be rad.... or you might like to add assistance stuff, sprints or something else. At least you have the rest days in there, thats a winner.

My rule of thumb for soreness is to cycle up to about a 60% 1rm squat as a warm up. If I'm still tight and weak there I'll consider bugging out. Pretty rare, usually come good. Lifting is only beneficial if you can put your heart into it.

Strength requirements are different for everyone man. I consider 1.5 x bw a basic athletic requirement for anyone subjecting their joints to repetitive jumping in a sport. Depending on how good you express that strength that might be heaps. Get to 1.5 x bw then make a new plan.

ATG or paralell will depend on your body, flexibility, squat style etc. But more ROM is better as you build basic strength.