I figured it out today, partially in the lab and later on paper. Here is how I fix my off midfoot barpath on the descent - knees go out and forward. This will keep me balanced over midfoot instead of drifting far too forward.
The way I discovered this is actually by doing that on the ascent and realising the same principle should apply on teh descent! On ascent,
after passing the sticking point, my knees went out, and this kept me from squat morning.
New techniqueSo here is how I do a technically correct midfoot squat on paper for next time. Keep weight on heels, stand upright make sure i'm not leaning at all. Brace abs etc etc. Then begin descent,
knees break out and forward. At the bottom position my knees are
held out. As I come out of the bottom, my
knees come in to give me quad/glute drive out of the bottom, as i pass the sticking point,
knees go back out. So it's a sequence of knees out, knees in, knees out in that order. Next time i'll have caps of bar path.
I tried this technique partially today, only just for ascent and it made a big difference, suddenly my squat became quad dominant, i remained upright and i could pop out and lock out like a boss. When I make the change on the descent, it will give me a better bar path on the descent which means i'm in a better position at the bottom, which means i'm going to have a much better position on the ascent. b00m! problem solved.
to test this out, i will put my money where my mouth is, next time i squat, which follows after 1 days rest, i'm going to put 135kg on the bar and front squat it ATG without a belt. Keep in mind just 3 days ago i got buried by a 132.5kg FS and today I got it without much fuss, so it's not just some bullshit internet analysis, i've video proof to back it up.