Steven, have you any idea the extreme depth of expertise of the expert elite coach super iso extreme master of sport inno sport guru whom you are debating? allow myself to cue you in sir:
RJ Quotes
"I've read the works of the heavyweights in the field and I see gaps in even their thinking, understanding, and organization. They may have more experience than me, but I wouldn't say they know more. Coaches can only apply so many different physiological stimuli in so many patterns and I can outline the effects of most down to a cellular level. As far as we, as coaches, are concerned, the rabbit hole only needs to go so deep."
"And I know a grasp on science alone isn't enough to be a coach. One of the biggest things I've learned over the past couple years is how practice rarely mirrors theory. However, with a good psychology background and people skills (for understanding the athlete), scientific knowledge, a bit of intuition, and the understanding that perfect is often the enemy of great, it's a piece of cake.
"While I'm obviously still not at the pinnacle of my writing/sports science career, skill acquisition is asymptotal and, at least in areas concerning training, I'm near the asymptote. I've put in an ungodly amount of time and I believe I have plenty to show for it. I can compare my works to those of Bompa, Verkhoshansky, and Zatsiorsky and I don't find myself lacking. In areas of specific study, I don't know as much about nervous system function as Enoka, or as much about tendon and fascicle function as Kubo, but I can take their ideas and findings and integrate them into a complete training plan without difficulty. In areas like nutrition and biochemistry, I still have A LOT to learn and I'm working on it."
^^ yea, pretty good if you ask me. he also ranned a 11. something second 100m which is a decent time for a low level high school sprinter so if i were u i wouldnt argue with rj, he is expert. also he held iso lunge iso extreme for long ass time, way longer than u can and look at his results, he could beat about 50% of high school sprinters. realize that steven.