Author Topic: Training While Abroad, Need Some Advice  (Read 3324 times)

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Training While Abroad, Need Some Advice
« on: May 26, 2011, 06:22:35 pm »
Hey guys, On July 3, I will be going to England for 8 weeks to study abroad.  As much as I am dedicated to achieving my goal of dunking, I want to make the most of my time abroad, taking in the culture/traveling/meeting new people, which means, having training as a top priority will not be possible, and not smart to do IMO, since 8 weeks is not that long.

However, I do still want to advance in my training, and I believe I can squeeze out 2 training days a week, for like a hour each.  Here are my current stats:

BW: 151~153lbs
SVJ: 29"
DLRVJ: 34"
SLRVJ: 38"
Max Parallel Squat: 235lbs
Max Dead lift: Havent done this in like 3 months, but it was 250lbs 3 months ago

I think it's safe to say that my plyometric ability/reactive strength/RFD/explosive strength are pretty good right now, and where I can REALLY make gains in my vertical will come from strength gains RIGHT?

I will not be playing basketball at all, nor any plyo's, just weight room 2 days a week probably and make each session as time efficient as possible.  Will the following schedule I came up with, help me in my goals from now til end of August to do the following:

1)maintain all upper body mass/strength
2)maintain plyometric ability/reactive strength/RFD/explosive strength
3)Get STRONGER lower body

Here's the schedule:

Mondays - Squats 4x3 (lower body)/ Dead Lift 3x4 (lower body/mid,upper back)/ Superset 3 sets of Bench Press (upper body) & Leg Raises (core)
Thursdays - Squats 4x3/ Dead Lift 3x4/ Super set of Weighted Exploding Step Ups & Bench Press

I was thinking the Weighted Exploding Step Ups 1x/week will help me keep my reactive/explosive ability, and chose this specific exercise since I'm a 1 legged jumper.

What do you guys think?  
« Last Edit: May 27, 2011, 03:20:31 am by Ineedtodunk »
Goal is to dunk.

Vertical needed to dunk: 40"

Current vertical : 38.5"