Save a Life: PR liftingThis is used to break out of stagnation at the elite level, such as for world champion powerlifters or olympic lifters. Our example will use the deadlift, but other lifts can be used, such as squat, bench press, c&j, snatch, etc.
1. Deadlift work is is performed, stopping a set prior to the PR attempt.
2. Deadlifter's family member is brought in, and placed inside a special box, which is fire retardant for up to 60 seconds.
3. Deadlifter is made aware of the situation, that the box will be set ablazed, and he has 60 seconds to lift the bar to complete lockoupt. Only 3 green lights will unlock the bomb proof door & allow his family member to escape. If he does not complete the lift, a PR will not be achieved and a family member will be lost.
4. The clock is ticking, PR time.