Also im not sure what i said is correct, re arms/legs/toro lengths.
I remember Lance saying that long legs and short torso harm the squat form , create forward lean etc , making it harder in other words. But for deadlift it was just a chat in here , about mutumbo's huge deadlift.
As for RDL/DL , i was the only one that voted RDL and i am changing it too. I did 1x286 after not regular DLing for 3 years and with my left quad injured, while the 8x253 RDL PR was achieved after a couple of months of weekly progressive overloading.
My explanation about hands/torso lengths:
In regular deadlifts, for a given back position , the longer hands and shorter torso you have, the higher 'squat position' your legs will be in the deadlift start, it's like turning the DL to 'half' DL ( in an analogy with squats/half squats ). It is the same ROM but the starting body setup is more advantageous to produce strength.
For RDLs, longer hands reduce the ROM since the end of the movement is standard ( below knee ) while the starting point is lower with long hands.
Nothing to back those thoughts up though, just pulling them out of my hairy ass!