Author Topic: Smolov!!!  (Read 2261 times)

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« on: July 04, 2011, 10:55:35 pm »
I did something a little unorthodox in the base mesocycle.

I started each day by working up to a max single. Sometimes I would add wraps and see what I could get with that. Then I would do the work sets with wraps with numbers based off the wrapped single at the beginning of the cycle.

(Wraps are "loose" and consistently add 5% to my lifts.)

During the cycle my 1RM without wraps went from 335 to 365 while my 1RM with wraps went from 355 to 385.

I find it amazing that I got 30 lbs on my squats even as I accumulated fatigue. The base mesocycle is simply overreaching which is then followed by supercompensation after the unload week.

Do you think the 30 lbs of added squat strength represent part of the results I would have gotten if I just waited? That is to say, might I have seen 50 lbs of gain if I hadn't kept testing, but now will only see 20 more?

Or is it possible I have NOT YET SEEN the results of supercompensation because I've been doing nothing but accumulating fatigue? Might there be ANOTHER 40-50 lbs of gain to be revealed? Seems unlikely, but it is fun to think about.

Anyone want to place any bets on this? :ibsquatting:

Height: 5'9.5"
Wingspan: 6'4"
Standing Reach Barefoot: 7'10"
Weight: 175 lbs
Standing Vertical Jump: 29"
Running Vertical Jump Bilateral: 30.5"
Running Vertical Jump, Unilateral: 25"
Standing Broad Jump: 9'3"
Beltless High Bar Squat: 365
Beltless Conventional Deadlift: 450
Low Bar Squat w/ Belt (in USAPL raw): 418
Sumo Deadlift w/ Belt (in USAPL raw): 506