Author Topic: routine for strength and size  (Read 2679 times)

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routine for strength and size
« on: October 27, 2012, 08:01:35 am »
Well i have been doign this for close to 2months.
My workouts are on Sunday,Wed and Fri.
Workout A is done on sun and wed.
workout b is done on fri.

Workout A::
Bench press 3to4sets of 5-7reps.
at least 2minutes rest
weighted pullups 3sets of 6-6-7

incline dumbbell press 3sets of 8-10reps

Superset: dumbbell bicep curls and weighted close grip dips .
Both 3setx of 10-12reps with about a minute30second rest.

Then, lateral raises 3setx of 10-12

lastly weighted planks
dumbbel shoulder press 3x8-10reps

back rows 3x8-9reps

rear delts 3x 8-10reps

ab work, weighted planks or weighted hanging leg raises.

My bench has gone up only recently when I lowered don the weight and did proper form, arching my back which really helped.
Looking to gain size overall , especially my shoulders, and get my arms up too as it's lacking behind the rest big time.
looking to improve my bench to