The static dynamic method applied literally is more for weighted lifts: For example, before a maximum bench press unrack a 120% 1rm load and hold it at lockout for a few seconds. Before a maximum hang clean or snatch take a heavy weight and do a set of shrugs. I always had my best snatch and cleans doing that by a wide margin, but it doesn't work for everyone. It'll work for squats too but you gotta be careful because the weight on the full range set will feel extremely light and there's a natural tendency to lose tightness.
For dynamic bodyweight movements I'd use isolation exercises with relatively light weight for very short periods just to get certain muscle groups fired up better. For sprints something like lightly loaded reverse hyper hold for 7-10 seconds or iso extension iso hold followed by a set of short sprints a few minutes later. Same for bodweight hip flexor holds.
ya i like half squat before sprints too.. always feel really good when i squat before sprinting.. it really shows in my current routine, since i'm doing multiple sessions per day usually.. if first session is squat, and then second session is sprint + squat, sprints feel so much better in that second session because of the stim i carry from the first.
if i had a back ext i'd definitely utilize iso-extension more, as a session before sprinting/jumping.. also, i actually love how i feel when i high rep squat in an early session and jump/sprint at night.. the only trick to that is, i can't really rest much between reps during the high rep squat, i just have to bang them out real quick, fatigue, and end the session.. if i stay strict with that, jumping feels great later that night.
the only thing to make my quads sore in the last ~6 months have been this 225 x 45 pin squat set i did, quads got WRECKED.. love it, they won't get wrecked like that again, but that's a good sign for quad-nation.
What about a side plank? I always do that when I warm up for dunks... kind of stay in a "star" pose laterally (with the non-working arm and leg elevated) for about 20 seconds and I can feel my glutes come alive after that.
single leg side plank? those are damn tough for glute-med/tfl.. i used to be able to do them so easy, havn't done them in a long time, last time i tried, really sucked at them, but that was a while ago.
prone rev hyper (bodyweight) makes me feel real good when jumping too.. and i'm liking these leg-extension TKE's too.. it's helped to get my VMO firing properly, very fast.. i had a major firing issue over the last few weeks, but after 2-3 tke-iso sessions, contracting maximally, seems to be firing almost normal.