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Need help programming my next macrocycle
« on: May 22, 2011, 10:25:02 pm »
tl;dr version
Current: Squat 420, weigh 210
July 1st: Squat 440, weigh 210-215
Sept 10th: Squat 415+, weigh 185 (2.25x bw squat is goal)

I also want to incorporate plyos. How?

My plan is to max my squat at least 440lbs by July 1st, while weighing between 210-215lbs.
Currently, I'm at ~420lbs and weigh ~210lbs.
I need 20lbs more in 6 weeks, or 3.3lbs a week.

After July 1st, I'll be on summer vacation in Europe, where it is ALWAYS VERY EASY for me to lose weight. I regularly lose about 15-20lbs every summer (within 45 days) without even trying. This time, I will try.

I want to drop to about 185lbs by September 10th, while trying to maintain my max squat as much as possible (no lower than 415lbs). Assuming I'll be at 215lbs on July 1st, this is a 30lb drop in 72 days. But hey, I might weigh less, or my squat might not drop that much so I don't even need to lose as much weight to get to 2.25x bw in my squat.
, since I measure myself in clothes, and since I'm creatine loaded right now, and since I'll fast for Ramadan for a part of the summer, about 10lbs of this will be VERY easy to get off (clothes and a lot of water weight). Then there's the other 20lbs, which I'll work for.

At the same time, however, I would like to work on my plyometric ability. I have not done heavy plyos in about a year.
I mean, if I'm just trying to maintain my squat, I might as well do some plyos, right?

So, this is where I need your help. This is what my workout looks like right now:

Squat 3x5 (355lbs)
Bench 3x5 (200lbs)
Chin up 3x5 (+45lbs)

Squat 1x1 (355lbs) [light day]
Bench 3x8 (185lbs)
Chin up 3x8 (+35lbs)

Squat 3x5 (360lbs)
Bench 3x5 (205lbs) <-------- So basically I go up 5lbs every workout on squat, bench, chin once I complete all 3x5.
Chin up 3x5 (+50lbs)

Question is,

Can somebody create a workout template for me where I focus on squat (mon-wed-fri, wed being light) but introduce some plyos for 4 weeks?
(keep in mind I don't mind gaining weight here)


Can somebody create a workout template for me where I can focus on heavy plyos, while maintaining squat for 8 weeks?
(keep in mind I'm trying to lose fat here)
« Last Edit: May 22, 2011, 10:26:48 pm by Dreyth »
I'm LAKERS from The Vertical Summit


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Re: Need help programming my next macrocycle
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2011, 09:18:51 am »
During your strength building phase start introducing low level plyos as part of your warmups before each workout. 

Do things like bounds, hops, some running jumps.  This will help keep you athletic and maintain your reactive strength while your looking to build your limit strentgh. 

It also serves to fire up your nervous system and makes your squats more explosive. 

Once you've introduced the low/medium level plyos, and are finished with your strength phase, you switch to a plyo phase where you squat heavy only once a week and the rest of your workouts are devoted to increasing power and reactive strength. 

Plyo Phase
Warmups-skips, line hops, shuffles, backpedal
weighted squat jumps. (use 10-30 % of your max)
running jumps
40 yards sprints 3-5 sets
Depth Jump 15-20 reps

Wed. (Low Volume Day)
Depth Jump (use a lower box then mon.) 12-15 reps
agility drills -pro shuffle, zig zags
Squat 3 X 1 (85-90 % of max)

Depth Jumps
Flying 30's
20 yard starts
hang clean
optional glute-ham if feeling fresh enough


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Re: Need help programming my next macrocycle
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2011, 08:13:30 pm »
Thanks for the help ^^^

How does this look?

sets x reps

Intro Plyo Phase (4 weeks)


Lateral Cone Hops 2x10
12" Depth Jumps 2x3
Squat 3x5 (87%)


10yd Sprints 5x1
Max Effort RVJ 5x1
Squat 1x1 (87%)


Single Leg Slaloms 2x20/leg
Squat 3x5 (87%)

Heavy Plyo Phase (8 weeks)


Lateral Cone Hops 3x10
18" Depth Jumps 4x4
Squat 3x3 (87%)


Tuck Jumps 3x8
40yd Sprints 4x1
Squat 3x1 (87%)

Lateral Cone Hops 3x10
24" Depth Jumps 5x3
Squat 1x1 (87%), 1x8 (55%)

In the heavy plyo phase I decided to squat 3x a week because even if I miss a single day, my squat immediately drops buy about 10-15lbs and I don't want that. The 8 rep squat on Friday is to facilitate some blood and just promote recovery.
I'm LAKERS from The Vertical Summit


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Re: Need help programming my next macrocycle
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2011, 08:12:47 pm »
Intro phase looks good. Regarding the Heavy plyo phase, it does not look bad I guess, but you have to make sure to progress in your plyometric ability as well. You can't just drop from the same box for 8 weeks and assume to improve. Other than that I much prefer pogo jumps over tuck jumps. In terms of squat maintenance you have to look how it works for you, but I would guess that it is not optimal because it lacks intensity. 3 x 3 at 87% is not much, but the singles are really too light. I would much rather try something like MSEM on one day and go up to at least 95% and do some heavy singles the other days to maintain coordination and form as well as stimulate the nervous system.
That would be my thoughts, overall however it looks like it might work. At least address the plyo thing though. Good luck with it!


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Re: Need help programming my next macrocycle
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2011, 04:57:33 pm »
I disagree with steven-miller.  I actually think the squats are TOO intense.  Your sqauatting 3 days a week close to 90% of your 1 rep max.  This is during your REACTIVE PHASE, when you're not even trying to get stronger, but more explosive. 

Compare this to Westside Barbell powerlifters.  Those guys ONLY focus on strength and they are only squatting/deadlifting heavy 1 day a week. 

For your body to be stimulated optimally, you have to send it the right signals.  You need to throw a shit ton of speed and explosive exercises for your body to adapt to the stimulation and for your nervous system to be firing properly.  If you do too much strength exercises, you will not only be telling your nervous system to move SLOWLY, you also will never feel fresh because you're working close to your max and never recovering optimally.   


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Re: Need help programming my next macrocycle
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2011, 08:32:36 pm »
I disagree with steven-miller.  I actually think the squats are TOO intense.  Your sqauatting 3 days a week close to 90% of your 1 rep max.  This is during your REACTIVE PHASE, when you're not even trying to get stronger, but more explosive. 

Compare this to Westside Barbell powerlifters.  Those guys ONLY focus on strength and they are only squatting/deadlifting heavy 1 day a week. 

For your body to be stimulated optimally, you have to send it the right signals.  You need to throw a shit ton of speed and explosive exercises for your body to adapt to the stimulation and for your nervous system to be firing properly.  If you do too much strength exercises, you will not only be telling your nervous system to move SLOWLY, you also will never feel fresh because you're working close to your max and never recovering optimally.   

Volume is what hurts other training sessions, intensity won't in this circumstance. You also cannot compare advanced powerlifters to intermediate squatters trying to improve their vertical jump. Heavy singles mean very different things to novices, early-intermediates (like Dreyth), later intermediates and advanced guys and regenerating from it is very depending on the state you happen to be in terms of weight-room strength. Doing heavy singles after his plyos and then resting for at least 48 hours is not going to hurt him at all.
The next thing is that he has responded extremely well in the past to improvements of his relative squat strength in terms of VJ performance. Taking this into account it seems very logical to make sure that he keeps as much of his strength as possible despite losing bodyweight. Doing three singles per week, as you have suggested, is probably not gonna accomplish that.

I am also not a fan of "throwing a shit ton of speed and explosive exercises" at anything because it seems to me that this is something you would do if you don't know which exercises get you results and which don't. I do not say that I know all this, but I would rather try a small selection of exercises, fail with them and regard them as useless than doing 10 different exercises that give me a mediocre effect and I would not know where it is coming from. Knowing what does not work is valuable information, too.


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Re: Need help programming my next macrocycle
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2011, 08:25:13 pm »
I don't think the squats are too heavy at all. Anyway, the main focus of my program is to increase my relative squat by maintaining it while losing bodyweight. I just figured that I may as well add some plyos if I'm not going to go too hard on the squats.

Yes, I'm squatting 3 days close to 90% of my max, but the weight I use never goes above my 6RM! Think of it that way. I did 365x5 last week. I want to get up to 375 for 3x5 (making my 375 a 6RM). Doing 3x3 with that weight (2 less reps each set) on Monday is the hardest I go. Then I just do 3 singles with that weight on Wednesday, then I workup to just one single at that weight on Friday. To me it feels a little bit light actually.
I'm LAKERS from The Vertical Summit


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Re: Need help programming my next macrocycle
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2011, 12:40:14 pm »
If you are able to squat 90% of your 1 rep max 6 times then you are not explosive enough.  

This shows that you have a nervous system more geared toward strength than you do speed.  Because of this, you should focus more on speed and do less squatting or strength dominant exercises.  

The reason I say squat once a week is so you can feel fresh enough do plyo's and sprints 2-3 times a week.  Since you will be losing weight, it is more draining on you to have to squat 3 times a week then it is to do low volume speed workouts.  

Have you ever tried only lifting heavy once a week?  You think you will lose strength, but in actuality you will not.  If you are slightly overtrained than it is possible to make gains. 

If you lose strength, it will mainly be due to the fact that you're losing weight.  Trust me, if you cut to 185, (35 pounds in 1 summer) you will feel like complete shit, and the last thing you'll want to do is get your ass under a heavy bar 3 times a week. 

You will, however, feel much more agile and springy.  Take advantage of this by training for power and speed. Once you start eating at optimal levels again your gains will be significant.   

« Last Edit: June 03, 2011, 12:48:28 pm by psychomark32 »


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Re: Need help programming my next macrocycle
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2011, 04:20:58 pm »
If you are able to squat 90% of your 1 rep max 6 times then you are not explosive enough.

I can't.

This shows that you have a nervous system more geared toward strength than you do speed.  Because of this, you should focus more on speed and do less squatting or strength dominant exercises.

Possibly, but actually, I can't tolerate higher rep work (>5 reps). If my last rep on a squat slows down a little, there's a rare chance I can get more than an extra rep. I've been told that I'm pretty explosive in my squats: I need long pauses in between reps if I want to survive. Not only that, but in person, that 5th rep felt like HELL and there was NO WAY I coulda done another rep, yet some people thought I had another 2 or 3 in me.

The reason I say squat once a week is so you can feel fresh enough do plyo's and sprints 2-3 times a week.

Friday is a recovery squat workout. It will help me feel fresher. In addition, the wednesday workout looks like it wont hurt too much that it'll hinder my friday workout. Of course, I can auto-regulate that if I'm wrong.

 Since you will be losing weight, it is more draining on you to have to squat 3 times a week then it is to do low volume speed workouts.

Of course it will be, but that Friday recovery squat will not drain me whatsoever. I've done them before. Plus, even if it were a tiny bit draining, i have 2 days of rest after that, not 1.

Have you ever tried only lifting heavy once a week?  You think you will lose strength, but in actuality you will not.  If you are slightly overtrained than it is possible to make gains.

My experience tells me that squatting once a week makes me lose a bunch of poundage.... actually.... JUST THIS WEEK IT HAPPENED AND IT MAKES ME ANGRY  >:(

Friday (04/29/11)--------------Squat 335 x 5, 5, 5
Monday (05/02/11)------------Squat 340 x 5, 5, 5
Wednesday (05/04/11)--------Squat 315 x 1 (light day)
Friday (05/06/11) -------------Squat 345 x 5, 5, 5
Monday (05/09/11)------------Squat 350 x 5, 5, 5
Thursday (05/12/11) ----------Squat 355 x 5, 5, 5
Saturday (05/14/11) ----------Squat 315 x 1 (light day)
Tuesday (05/17/11) -----------Squat 360 x 5, 4, 3
Friday (05/20/11) --------------Squat 360 x 5, 5, 5
Sunday (05/22/11) ------------Squat  365 x 10sec, 10sec, 10sec, 10sec, 10sec (just unracks to feel the weight)
Tuesday (05/24/11) -----------Squat 365 x 5, 4, 3

Friday (05/27/11) --------------Squat 315 x 1 (light day)

Wednesday (06/01/11) --------Squat, 365 x 2, 1

Yep. High frequency has always been better for increasing my strength. Whenever I don't squat for about 4 or 5 days I always lose strength. In fact, the reason I did smolov jr for squats a while back was because I missed a few days of squatting and my squat PLUMMETED. And since high frequency works for me, smolov jr exploded my squat numbers up 80lbs in 9 weeks.

In my log snippets up there, notice the constant increasing weight as I squat about 3x a week, and then the drop in the number of times I can rep out 365lbs by the end when I squat less frequently. I went from 365x5 to 365x2 (420 1RM to 385 1RM) simply because I squatted heavy only once in that final week.

And these two cases are not the only times this has happened. There are others, but now I've learned my lesson.

If you lose strength, it will mainly be due to the fact that you're losing weight.  Trust me, if you cut to 185, (35 pounds in 1 summer) you will feel like complete shit, and the last thing you'll want to do is get your ass under a heavy bar 3 times a week.

I will probably feel like crap... my prediction is that I will auto-regulate a lot and lower the weight to 83% instead of 87% on Wednesdays. Actually, it would be better to switch my wed squat with fri squat since the wed is a little tougher, and i can lower the percentage like i said and have 2 days rest after it. then I should be good to go.

You will, however, feel much more agile and springy.  Take advantage of this by training for power and speed. Once you start eating at optimal levels again your gains will be significant.

  :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:
« Last Edit: June 03, 2011, 04:24:11 pm by Dreyth »
I'm LAKERS from The Vertical Summit