So I am a HUGE NBA fan, and I always seem to notice they're training habits as well. For one, they train way different than most of us do here on Obviously this is the case because their training is more injury-prevention/endure a grinding season/have a longer career-oriented.
But I see other things too. Like this summer, the skinny as hell Brandon Jennings says he will do boxing and martial arts to get stronger. Now If I was a new guy to come here on and I said, I am a quick and athletic basketball player and I need to get stronger as it is holding me back, I don't think anyone here would advise me to do boxing or martial arts, and I wouldn't advise anyone with that either. Sure it'll help, but wouldn't a dedicated weight training routine be the best way?
boxing will get the upper body stronger, mma training will get the entire body stronger.. as far as increased muscle mass goes, neither will provide a large enough stimulus to pack on a decent amount of lean mass.. both will get you in very good shape, but neither will get your lower body MORE explosive needed for the game of basketball, except for very small gains resulting from increased overall fitness.
I also never see NBA players training for vert/athleticism, when it can help so much for some players. And when I do see some doing lower body lifting, they leg press over squatting.
you've never seen kobe squatting? there's video of him squatting and benching with chains..
but ya, for the most part, nba players do sissified training.
There are more examples but I cannot think right now. I know these NBA players are athletically gifted, and it is not their job to know these things even though they THINK they know (example, Air Up There thinks jumping high is all abs, and no legs), but shouldn't these professional trainers the NBA organizations hire know what the fuck to do? Or are they no different from the average personal trainer at 24 hour fitness who don't know jack shit neither?
P.S. I know AUT is not an NBA player, but you get the idea.
AUT promotes "abs and stretching".
as for nba s&c coaches, they are more worried about injuring someone than making them better athletes.. if they injure a multi-million dollar athlete, they are gone.. that's why they don't do anything above "beginner level exercises" for the most part.. for example, they stick to physioball single arm db bench press rather than regular DB/BB bench press.. they do db squatting rather than barbell etc.. they do lots of balance/"functional training movements", some of which can be good for the ankles/knees/hip stability etc, but mostly are a waste of time.
if you want to see s&c coaches train basketball players, look at the collegiate level, not pro.. same goes for NFL.. collegiate s&c programs are worried about the program, and to give them a better chance at winning in their conference/whatever, they need to actually employ REAL s&c methods, such as squat, bench, hang clean, lunges, rows/pullups etc.. the same goes for NFL..
NFL athletes who are serious about their performance, go to facilities in the off-season.. they do not train with their club.. they seek out training at dedicated performance facilities who push the envelope.. so the same applies for nfl as with nba, s&c coaches dealing with multi-million dollar athletes simply do not "risk" utilizing more effective training methods, instead they stick to "functional (bullshit) training" and machines for the vast majority of the trainers.
alonzo mourning for example would workout after every game, he was pretty jacked.. same with ben wallace.. those guys love lifting.. the point is though, that to lift the way they wanted, with actual exercises, they need to do it on their own.. otherwise, they just get the league-fluff.
nba/nfl s&c is more about "injury prevention" and maintenance of abilities, not pushing the envelope to create freaks.. collegiate & private s&c is where they push the envelope.
a good example of this, is those records they keep for each lift/test/whatever on the walls in collegiate/private s&c facilities...... ie, the bench record, squat, p-clean, whatever records.. they have the record, date, and by whom achieved it.. you don't see that on the pro level..