From today: 5 weeks, I went from:
335x4 at 204lbs, to
385x4 at 208lbs.This was my squat schedule:
Mon - 1x4 (88%), 2x7 (77%)
Wed - 1x2 (88%)
Sat - 1x4 (88%), 2x7 (77%)
Every time a Monday or Saturday workout came up, I added 5lbs to the bar.
I've done this successfully for the past 9 workouts in a row.
I've read a lot about how mixed rep ranges are supposedly the best for gaining strength, and I have to say, my gains here are actually better than my gains that I had on smolov jr out 5 weeks.
In smolov jr, I went from a 335lb max to 385lb max in 6 weeks.
In this rep scheme, I went from 335x4 to 385x4 in 5 weeks.
That's one week less and the 50lb gain is on my WORKING sets, not max, which means possibly 55-60lb gain on my max.