I'm 30 and my basketball conditioning is horrible!
I played high school, juco, and on a couple traveling teams in my earlier days. I was lean, quick, and explosive. Kids took me away from the sport for about 4 years. When i stopped playing hoops, i went onto nothing but weight training. Went from 205 to 225, much bigger but stiffer and heavier.
About a month ago, i just decided to start playing again. Joined a local league in town. 1st game last sunday, 2nd game today. All i can say is my body has totally forgotten what it once use to do. I got tired fast. I couldn't do any repetitive jumps. I would jump once, and couldn't get right back up a 2nd time, like i use too. Timing is way off, The jumps would fatigue me, and i would end up walking up and down the court. Had no explosiveness whatsoever, lateral movements suck. It was just bad! I felt so heavy, that i was feeling that i couldn't move.
I'm looking for a way to get my conditioning back up and again, and get my body doing what it once use to do all the time. I have no injuries, knees and back are in great shape. I feel that my legs are pretty fresh due to the layoff, but my legs just forgot. I know the best way is to keep playing, but there are other ways? I picked up the VJB, if that would help any, and i could lose 15 pounds which would help as i'm around 15% bf.
any suggestions would greatly be appreciated