Author Topic: Maybe the best "dunk session tutorial" i've ever seen  (Read 12119 times)

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Maybe the best "dunk session tutorial" i've ever seen
« on: November 10, 2017, 12:12:59 pm »
This is gold.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

my comment:

Hands down one of the best "dunk session tutorials" I have ever seen. Your commentary throughout is spot on. I mean you take someone through the full spectrum of emotions/performance changes someone training hard for vert/dunking, should be experiencing in a dunk session. I mean this takes me back pretty much exactly to how my sessions went: good warmup, very light relaxed jumps/dunk attempts - not caring if i miss etc - just slowly working into it, build up the intensity, go hard af trying to hit peak vert while attempting dunks, start to fade, battle back, land some nice stuff after fading, fade again, try to battle back once more and just become completely dead, end session. This video is gold as a teaching resource. peace!!
