Also tychever, I think you're missing the point. The point wasn't that 2x bodyweight squat was more impressive for a 200 pound man than it is for a 150 pound manlet, it was that manlets compare their relative strength to people of the same weight, even if they are much taller.
If that point isn't clear enough for you, I'll try explaining it again.
A 5'6 160 pound manlet squats 320 pounds. So that's 2x his bodyweight. A 6'2 160 pound man squats 240 pounds. That's 1.5x his bodyweight. For some crazy reason, the 5'6 manlet thinks he's superior to the 6'2 man purely for relative strength reasons. He should be happy that he has more muscle on him than the 6'2 man, but he's not because a 320 squat isn't impressive.