I have conversations like this with myself sometimes. I'm pretty sure I'll end up having kids with a girl who is physically attractive at the time we decide to have kids; also as (or more) intelligent/high-achieving as I am. I simply can't envision it being any other way. But will she be athletic, or have athletes in her family? Will I care at that point? At the moment I'm sure I'd like my kids to be more athletic than I am and having kids with a chick with better athletic genes can't hurt there.
Current GF is beautiful and is smart and high-achieving as hell but isn't an athlete (used to be a ballet dancer, pretty good but not pro quality). Marriage/kids with her highly unlikely but these thoughts do enter my mind sometimes.
I know you were kidding, but I'm kind of serious...
If that's the largest reservation you have about this chick then get the fuck over it
Also, don't try and force your future kids into being super athletic. Encourage them to try as many things as possible and do what they like to do as well as they can.
haha, if this were the biggest reservation i had then i'd be worried about myself. reservations that come before that one (by no means a complete list):
1. we're both 24, MUCH too young to get married IMO
2. she's about to start medical school in another city and i don't want to go back to an LDR
3. i have no long-term stability, nor any desire to have it
3a. there's a solid chance i'll be living overseas in the next couple of years
3b. there's a solid chance i'll be in grad school in the next couple of years
4. the sex is good but i've had better (especially from my now-fundamentalist christian ex, lol) and i can't imagine settling before i've had a bunch more of it
5. i just don't wanna
believe me, i'm not going to force my kids into sports and once they play i'm not gonna be a crazy driving parent living vicariously through my children's athletic success. those parents are pathetic. but, barring disabilities, you can be damn sure those kids are gonna be running around and playing outside as soon as they can stumble forward without falling down. i want them to be physically confident. that doesn't come from 1000 forehands and backhands a day from age 4 on up, it comes from doing just what you said. letting them be kids and encouraging them when they find something they like to do.
them being more athletic than me is just a secondary dream.