damn just looked for a good band assisted jump video, can't find one.. they are all horrible. I saw one in the past, was very athletic/explosive, guy was flying with it. That's the one I was looking for.
As for the drop phase, bands seem to help people alot on the way down, doesn't look like a box is even needed. I think that's the point though, if it gives you that much extra vert, on the way down it'll slow you down that much more as well.
I personally would NEVER incorporate it. IMHO, not worth the effort. I'd rather just do DJ's or stiff leg ankle hops hehe.
Maybe those overspeed jumps are good on light days to get some "jump movements" going without the fatigue of real jumping and real landing - ie get the reps in, but if that's the case then just go jump in the pool - it's not assisted, but it takes the load off.