lets add another level of complexity...
Why did you choose the exercises you did?
Remember in all good programs you should look for similarities and principles not differences. So Why?
in my response i was thinking about jumping/sprinting:
in no specific order as well:
- squat
- depth jump
- barbell lunge
- heavy weighted pillars for core (30-45s)
- controlled barbell calf raises (ya im becoming a fan...)
squat - develop the ability to turn on a maximal amount of motor units, increase neural arousal, develop the musculature needed in jumping/sprinting, great potentiation tool, for double leg jumpers: specificity
depth jump - low box depth jumps have a great effect on PF's, higher box depth jumps improve RFD/explosive strength, develops eccentric rfd, develops tendon strength, overloads greatly the CNS
barbell lunge - develops coordination / core strength, develops the musculature needed in sprinting/jumping, hits the glutes harder than in a squat IMO, improving unilateral strength will yield gains in bilateral exercises, for single leg jumpers/sprinters: specificity of unilateral hip extension
heavy weighted pillars - i've seen the best results with these
controlled barbell calf raises - i just threw this one in there, it's my current fad, but none of the above exercises develop PF maximal strength like this would, getting alot more raw power out of the calfs should improve performance
didn't list any upper body stuff, if i did i'd throw in pullups.